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The FAA Medical has changed (a little) for the better.  I had a health issue about 7 years ago that threw me into the system after near perfect health my entire life.  One of the side effects of treatment was weight gain.  Nothing crazy but enough for me to go from "lets lose a couple pounds" to "hey fatty".  Did some sit ups and ate some salad and it came down slowly but I can still lose a few.  Diagnosed with the Sleep Apnea along the way.

  My health issue responded to treatment, I have a Special Issuance.  I been on no meds last 5 yrs.  BP is good, sugars are good, cholestrol etc good.  Full blood work values in the middle of normal.  Use the CPAP with no problems, cut out snoring, nearly eliminated apnea events. and sleep better.  Other than being a fatty, I have no health issues that would keep me from flying.  For every fat boy out there, there is a skinny ticking time bomb. In fact I just went to a funeral for just such a person.   So people with no medical education probably shouldn't diagnose other people based on looks.

What I would recommend to someone with a health issue is; Get a GOOD AME.  Not a guy who does physicals as a hobby, but one who knows the system inside and out.  It took about less than 1.5 months to get a Special and getting back to work after I recovered, not some of the horror stories of months to years.

Sleep Apnea is not the cluster it used to be.  Sign an affidavit, get note from sleep doc, Actually USE your CPAP, and send in the CPAP sleep report, which new machines automatically record for you, just print it out.  I reported it at next flight physical, with completed treatment, I lost exactly zero work days.  It used to be much more an ordeal. 

Also I found, believe it or not, just treat it and report it and send them paperwork showing things under control, then wait for them to find something, or hide it til you have the big one.