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So I hear the company is going to start some kind of program for the med crews on what to do if a pilot becomes incapacitated. Since there is always only one set of flight controls when the med crew is on board, how is this supposed to work. They may be able to set up the auto pilot but that only would prolong the inevitable as the auto pilot decouples below v mini. I'm just wondering what they're going to teach them to do after that point. I don't know if I would be able to set it down safely from the copilot seat using the pilot side controls. Possibly. This training can't hurt I guess but I really don't think it will make any difference. Has this been tried anywhere else? I know AEL had some kind of thing but in a 407, 206 or Astar, you are probably screwed if the pilot keels over unless you're only 10 feet off the ground. In cruise, you're dead.