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What was said above is mostly all true, except if claims do get punted to deductable, then you have a rehimburstment account that will reimburse you for the deductable so medical is completely free to you if you use the reimbursment wisely.

Starting pay is low, and the "Overtime" is also quite low, getting straight time for ferrys and training is kind of bull S# if you ask me, but I have never be denied getting paid for something I did, including the trip home after training, so not sure where the above poster got that from. I have also gotten a 4% raise every year I've been here which isn't exactly enough, but at least it's something.

There are rumors floating that at the first of the year the pay scale will be changing and everyone should be getting a significant boost in pay. I've heard the DO is really trying for it and the CFO and Pres are really pushing back on it. Hopefully they get their differences worked out and we all reap the rewards.