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Being pressured to fly in weather that is above minimums shouldn't have to happen.

Being pressured to fly in weather that is below minimums shouldn't happen. In this case, it's a safe bet that investigators would take a dim view of pressure to fly. That's where getting it in writing comes in. It prevents post-mishap backpedaling as well as chameleon leadership. Writing gives attorneys something to work with. Legality is ultimately for the courts to decide.

Chameleon leadership is when a supervisor gets to say, "I didn't know he (or she) was taking such risks" after pressuring them to do it in the first place.

I agree with you that people shouldn't work at such places. Only the angle is different. A prospective employee should do due diligence before taking a job at a irreputable company. He (or she) should not wait until they are there for a real schooling. When bad-mouthing a company is limited to onsies and twosies, it can be disregarded. When an entire army of former and current employees bad-mouth it, there's probably substance there.