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I didnt feel I was careless or reckless, but a situation got our of hand that put me in a bad light. In hindsight I screwed up big time.

I was reported to FAA and got to tell them my side of the story. FAA inspector seemed sympathetic and said because of my willingness to speak he would recommend a short term licence suspension. I was told to expect a quick decision as the legal eagles would want this over and done with quickly.

The months are rolling on and I have not heard anything. When I log on to Airman Certification my licences are good. I'm not sure if I should contact the FAA again, or let it go and hope I got the benefit of the doubt.

Anyone been down this road, if so what kind of time frame did the decision from the FAA take.

How did the outcome affect your carreer in aviation going forward? 

Thanks in advance.