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Why's nobody talking about the studies that have been done on your natural antibodies, if you've already had Covid? Just Google natural covid antibodies vs vaccine, you will see tons of studies showing your natural immunity is better than the vaccine. From the NIH,CDC,Israel and the huge Cleveland Clinic study of 52,000 employees. Of the roughly 1200 that had Covid, but did not get the vaccine... and recovered, not one of those patients was readmitted with Covid a second time. But well over 300, that had been vaccinated were readmitted with Covid at a later date, all with varying degrees of severity. So, a curious question is all the blood clots, swelling hearts and patients that died due to complications from the vaccine, if they already had Covid and were pressured into getting the vaccine... when their natural immunity was good post Covid, do we say, "I guess they just died and took one for the team?" I'm not antivax or hardcore pro Covid vax, what I would like to see is an honest discussion. If we're trying to mandate vaccine passports and other mandates, how about an honest look at post Covid natural antibody paperwork as well?