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The Brits, OMG the Brits.....  Why in the world they go out of their way to complicate the most simple of things I'll never understand! 

I spent several years being "politely" insulted and put down by the British Army pilots in charge of the program I was working at overseas, simply for being an "American."  As I was leaving the program I said to the most arrogant American hater among them, "I used to wonder how the British lost a worldwide empire and needed U.S. help getting bailed out of two world wars, but I don't anymore."  He was beside himslef that an "American" had put England down!  He actually said to me, "What exactly do you mean by that?"  I replied, "you think you're smarter than me, you figure it out!"

To be fair, many of the Brits I worked were amazing folks and I count them among some of my best friends to this day.  Oh, and they were just as disappointed with the program "leadership" (insert sarcasim here) as I was.  Also, what that arrogant Brit didn't seem to get was I wasn't insulting England.  I've been there a number of times and it's a wonderful place.  I was insulting the British military's lack of sommon sense and flexability!