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The concept of making your own happiness is a fine sentiment but the reality is that helicopter aviation is full of crooks and liars. You can't just will yourself so be happy in some situations. Helicopter aviation is one of them. If you want to keep a sunny disposition, fly airplanes or stay away from aviation completely. The lifestyle of travel is not conducive to a healthy well being. EMS isn't any better. Flying helicopters is fun but the rest of it, not so much. 

OP writes:

 "Trust me, the pilots at major carriers put in a lot of sweat and years and worked some low paying jobs to get where they are."

Yeah, we know. Helicopter pilots do the same goddamn thing except there just isn't much to look forward to but a crappy schedule and a fraction of the airline pilot pay and retirement. Here the OP is at the end of his career working nights and putting up with med crews and all the rest of the idiocy that is HAA. Get a grip on reality people. Very, VERY few people will find fulfillment in that.