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Well said with a rational and intelligent post; and so right on the money.  I was on a a specific career path since I was a kid, working in that business starting at 12 with menial jobs.  I was able go coninue through college and the military.  Right after the military I was able to start on my real career path at the bottom.  For fun, and using my GI Bill, I was able to obtain a commercial fixed wing license, instrument and multi engine rating.  Two months into my third post-military job I was asked if I wanted the position flying the company airplane.  I did, for the next seven years.  It wasn't part of the original plan but it worked out great.  During this time I got my helo rating just on a lark, knowing I'd never use it.  Then the company bought a helicopter.  My bosses didn't know I had a rating.  When they found out, I got the job.  I flew for the next thirty-plus years and retired at 65. I had other duties as well; but it was a great adventure.  It was not always rainbows and unicorns but, all-in-all, a great career.  As the original poster said, you make your own happiness.