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Jobs for professional pilots are few and far between. Helicopters are a niche even in that rarified market.

Spend $100k+ and 2 to 5 years to earn family of 4 food stamp money? If you could choose, why would you do that? Me? it was better than being a grunt in Vietnam.

Pilots are cheaper than helicopters. Until they aren't, then it's hindsight.

AIDS is real- aviation induced divorce sydrome. I don't know how many women could have stayed married to me knowing I loved flying more than them. I know some who couldn't do that and a lot of pilots know some too. Doubt it? If you ain't making mistakes on the job, your boss ain't getting value.

Can you fly with that illness? How about sleep deprived but you had the required time off? Not to mention chronic fatigue. Ever had a sinus block? Memorable.

How hard are your weather minimums? 500 & 3? With a hard 400' ceiling reported and good vis, you staying on the ground? You gonna punch into reduced vis because you think it's going to be quickly better?

Oh yeah, some managers have mentioned that 'other pilots fly in that' and they can hire some of them.

You're gonna move a lot to get any logged time those first few years. And then you're going to move less frequently, but still move every couple of years.

I appreciate government interference in the industry- it effectively limits us to 14 hour days and requires 'airworthy' equipment. 

Some hitches, I didn't see my kids awake for weeks.

The boss says "You could fly with that maintenance issue." Yup, sure could. Start shooting at me and Vietnam rules will apply, but otherwise...

How about that guy who flew with a transmission chip light because his flight manual limited the aircraft to no more than 45 minutes to land as soon as... He won't be talking, some mistakes are forever.

Preflighting in 40 knot winds and freezing rain sucks. One does it because as soon as it quits, you're gonna be dispatched.

Getting dispatched into what should be a 3 hour transport at hour 11 of your 12 hour hitch sucks. Leave your car keys on the dsk and hope your relief will rendezvous....

Is that hole really big enough, level enough to land in? Your passenger/customer thinks so.