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That was the best response yet- do what your heart desires.  Very succint and accurate.

Regarding FW life... it is certainly more boring:

I started some FW training a while back and was a impressed with elements that are just as challenging or more than the helicopter world, but overall certainly easy and boring.  Especially as your airframe gets more advanced depending on the job.

"Flying airplanes is cool" (long distance, comfy destinations, treatment by others, pay, benefits, etc.)

"Flying helicopters is fun" (challenge, satisfaction, sights nobody gets to see, ability to help others, funner landing options, rarely boring in comparison, shorter legs, more landings, simpler knowledge to study/remember) 

New car smell hasn't worn off for me in 20 years.  Consideried jump to FW, though, to try that side of the aviation world and master new challenges.  HAA is not as bad as everyone makes it sound, either.  It can be very rewarding, seriously stress free yet challenging enough to be fun/interesting, and the 7 days off every other week is pretty great.

Uncle Sam has it's place and if you're young then it's a great start; you'll always be able to say "I did that" (COUNTLESS people tell me with despondency on their face how they wish they would have joined the military when I mention I'm a veteran).  It's not everything it's cracked up to be... especially in today's military OPTEMPO and stupidity.  But, the majority of us don't regret our decision.

For the most part, the pay and job security is better in the FW world, though.