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There is life after flying. First, and I've mentioned it before, get a professional financial advisor to guide your future. 401K's are great but are very limited. A professional advisor will diversify your money to protect you for the inevitable ups and downs. Best move I've ever made and I wish I'd done it many years earlier. Several of the people I worked with signed on with him and completely agree. First step is get rid of all debt. 

So many jobs out there. Costco is great. This may sound funny but a friend of mine drives for Uber in the morning and later has an Amazon route. He works 4-8 hours a couple of days a week. Said he can make $600 a day. He doesn't need the money. He does it because he stays busy and loves interacting with people. He's one of those guys you instantly like.

Finally, get a hobby. I built a real plane for travel and do model planes. We golf and travel too. Again, congrats. Embrace your new found freedom from the BS