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"Single vs Twin" I care. I will always take more engines, system redundancy IF! the company training and support is appropriate.

The AS355 isn't just an AS350 with an extra engine. The 212/412 aren't just 205s with an extra engine. It's the systems management that needs management training.

An example, third hand- high side or low side engine failure in a Twinstar can be a challenge to manage (never experienced one in anything else). A qualified pilot in the passenger seat watched the PIC pull the good engine down because the appropriate diagnostic routine had not been adequately drilled inthe pilot's head. A Twinstar can maintain level flight, even climb slowly on one engine at that altitude, but it can't if you limit the good engine. Forced landing, extensive maintenance.

Single engine is stick and managment. Multi is management and stick.

Last thought- two engines mean twice the risk of an engine issue. And everything downstream of the engine...