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"Unknown long term side effects"

Do you know what the KNOWN long term side-effects are of 10-30% of people getting covid?

1. Heart Issues

2. Lung issues

3. Brain Issues

4. Sensory issues

5. Nerve issues

6. Chronic fatigue

So you are willing to risk getting those because you are scared of what an mRNA vaccine will do, one that has been tested for more than a year now in the masses and has been around for 10 years (what do you think we used for the ebola vaccine)

It goes to soemthing else as well. The more people who remain unvaccinated, the higher chance of the virus spreading AND causing more mutations. Even if there was a 1/10 of 1% chance that it could cause a long term issue, there's a much higher chance that getting Covid will cause you long term issues (or death) - 10 to 30% of people who get covid have long term symtoms

Do those concern you or only the infentesimal chance that an mRNA vaccine will cause an issue?

News alert - The mRNA vaccine is compeltely gone from your body in 24 hours... And it does not "inject intself into your DNA" as some sites would like you to believe.