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It's not that the anti-vaxxers need proof - that's not the issue. The issue is that it's an experimental drug with unknown long-term side-effects.  Look, the anti-vaxxers know the numbers, and they know the risks. It's just that they CHOOSE to not get "the jab."  Okay, they're risking their own life.  But who *else* are they risking?  Only other people who've also CHOSEN to not get vaccinated, that's who. And so if people want to risk their own lives, what's it to you? What's it to me?  Who friggin' cares? I got vaccinated only because I'm 65 and in that at-risk group, and so maybe if I *do* get the virus it'll be a less-serious case. But honestly, I'm not worried about it either way.

Covid-19 is not killing kids; it's barely killing healthy people. The vaccine provides, what, 95% protection from getting the virus...a virus that only kills about 2% of the people who get it? So if you're vaccinated, what are you worried about? Why do so many people get so stressed-out about those who CHOOSE to not get the jab?

It's still a free country, last I checked.