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I was a 20 year retired army W4 Blackhawk instructor instrument instructor. 

I went to work for MedTrans for about a year and was accepted into the RTP program for PSA Airlines. 

There was 14 in my new hire class and 6 were in the RTP program.  Only one of the six in the RPT program passed and it was not me.  All eight of the others passed.  The only one that passed in the RTP program was an individual that had some previous airplane time.    

What got the five of us failed was complicated airport taxi instructions SIDS and stars and we were expected to know all of that stuff before we got there. They did not teach us how to fly they only taught us how to fly per their ops manual and Ops specs and the training program. We were not given time to study. Like I said we were expected to know that stuff already.   Not a lot of those Blackhawk guys knew a whole lot about complicated airport taxi instructions. And I have never flown a star in my entire military career.   

I am sure I will hear comments from other army guys that think their gods gift to aviation and act like they know everything in the industry about how I'm an idiot and I didn't know what I was doing and they do but facts are facts.  

I am retired 101st and 160th.   

no spellcheckers or grammar checkers were used in the composition of this posting. Just deal with it.