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this is all based on your 14 hour scheduled duty day period and has nothing to do with 91 or 135 "flightassignment" which is why you have ALWAYs been wrong on this. Duty assignment vs. flight assignment. That part 91 repo flight is a directive of the certificate holder and is therefore subject to the 135 duty rules and why it's still part of your duty period. This is the FAA who has said and continues to say this! Stop trying to cherry pick things and only certain rulings that have proven to have been superseded and clarified by the FAA.

Remember when you said you can't be forced to follow part 135 weather rules on the reposition did that work?


The other part of this and most part that you fail to understand is that no one said you can't extend your duty period past 14 hours for certain circumstances. This Is a planning issue for duty day, not a flight assignment issue. You seem to have probkem understanding words and what they mean and when to use them. It will come for you someday I hope. In the meantime take notes and watch the Union continue to be right as they have been this whole time. Why? Because their info comes straight from the FAA, not AMC.  

Heres another one. Write this down. You will be able to extend part 135 duty out to 16 hours soon. 14-16 hour extentions solely for repositioning the aircraft back to its "home base." Extensions will be limited on how many a pilot can have in a given duty cycle to deter companies from takinh advantage of the rule. 14 will be the planning requirement. if it gets extended after lifiting it will be able to go out to 16 to get back to "home base." 16 will be a HARD number and you won't be able to lift on a subsequent leg if you can't be back at home base and dutied out an 16. Which includes poat flight and admin duties. Mark it down and screenshot this. You will see it soon. 

How about this. YOU, personally request a "new" legal ruling from the FAA and post it to shut us all up.....has to be YOUR request and not the usual misleading or irrelevant ruling you normally post on here only to be debunked by several people.


We will wait.