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That the parts you're leaving out. You DON'T have to plan Part 135 back to the base if you are planning to drop the medical crewmembers to reposition after doing so, never planning to fly them again. You can PLAN to do that Part 91 after 14 hrs. Example: you work at a base that doesn't have fuel. A flight request comes in. You plan it and determine the whole flight including the round trip to get fuel after dropping off the crew and patient will take you past 14 hours. If you are planning this under Part 135, you'd have to decline it. But if you can complete the patient legs back to the hospital within the 14 hours, then plan to complete the refueling round trip under Part 91, leaving the medical crewmembers at the hospital, you can complete the flight and not have to decline it. Additionally, in BOTH cases, your planning to complete the Far 135 FLIGHT portion within the 14 hrs, NOT the paperwork/task/chores/post flight afterwards. You are still on duty, yes, and it doesn't count to your 10 hrs rest for your next duty period, but you are not restricted to the 14 hours under FAR 135.267(d) The person putting out that you must plan to complete all aspects of that flight assignment, including the post FLIGHT work is trying to apply FAR 135.267(c) regularly assigned duty period interpretations to FAR 135.267(d) duty assignments. Apples and oranges. If you work a schedule that is not regularly assigned (lik thhey are in the GOM for instance), and go from day shifts to night shifts regularly, or are a relief/reserve/per-diem/float/etc, you are NOT operating under FAR 135.267(c). Few, if any HAA operators qualify as a FAR 135.267(c) operator, unless they don't schedule their pilot's the typical way, and have pilots dedicated to only days, and another to only night's, and never regularly swapping them back and forth.