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Y'all real simple, ain'tcha? Magnets on the vax site, because...? The pushed a chunk of iron, steel, into yer arm with that itty bitty needle? You got an incision? No? Really? 

Before I go any further, I have an investment opportunity for you. A guy named Ponzi used a miraculous formula that, if you get in early enough, can get you 200%, 300% in a week.

Here's a thought from my mis-spent youth, you can have it without the smoke, househald damage and missing pets that attaining such knowledge cost me- take a smallish disk of any material, in this case a magnet from one of them fridge notice clips.... anyyyyhow, hold it against your skin long enough, and tah-dah! It will adhere. Even if it's not your injection site. 

Probably your magnetic personality. Or the implants that the aliens inserted in your last anal probe. Definitely not a result of anything that came through a 21-gauge (or smaller) hypo needle.

One caution- I haven't tried this in all parts of my anatomy, so don't insert the magnet internally.

The magnet thing ain't rational enough to be urban myth.