(No Subject) +0/-0
Shalom 7/26/2024 1:37:04 PM
Once again +4/-3
Nothing at all 7/26/2024 1:05:11 AM
NE PA HAA Pilot Jobs +1/-0
10 years experience 7/24/2024 2:26:21 PM
There is a reason they’re at 50% strength (NT) +1/-1 NE PA HAA Pilot 7/28/2024 5:50:59 PM
Pay Increases +2/-1
HAA Pilot 7/24/2024 11:15:38 AM
B206H58's +2/-2
Yeah 7/22/2024 3:28:29 PM
Galliano (NT) +0/-1
Where did the people go? 7/22/2024 2:45:11 PM
Skycrane crash in Italy…?? +0/-1
Looking for info 7/22/2024 1:22:23 PM
What is that thing on Cheetos nose? (NT) +0/-1
3rd eys? 7/21/2024 1:43:45 PM
HAA Hopeful +3/-1
IFR Currency 7/20/2024 4:03:54 PM
HAA Hopeful +0/-2 say wut 7/20/2024 9:42:10 PM HAA Hopeful +8/-0 Ex-GOMer 7/20/2024 10:53:43 PM if you want it, you can do it +1/-1 Anonymous 7/21/2024 2:10:24 AM
HAA Hopeful +1/-1 I respect 7/24/2024 1:11:06 AM HAA Hopeful +0/-1 Airplane Andrew 7/25/2024 7:05:42 AM Wanna be good at IFR? +1/-4 Go fly an airplane 7/25/2024 11:56:10 PM
HAA Hopeful +0/-0 Find a way to ride along,FW or RW 7/30/2024 6:45:18 PM
What should a heliopter pilot get paid? +2/-2
Do tell 7/20/2024 3:56:19 PM
What should a heliopter pilot get paid? +2/-2 Revenue. 7/20/2024 4:58:37 PM
What he's worth to his employer.....same as (NT) +2/-2 everyone else (except .gov) 7/20/2024 6:47:38 PM What should a heliopter pilot get paid? +2/-2 What’s it matter 7/20/2024 10:58:42 PM An actual answer +2/-2 to the question 7/23/2024 2:24:27 PM
What should a heliopter pilot get paid? +0/-1 DD 7/25/2024 1:57:14 PM What should a heliopter pilot get paid? +1/-2 Exactly what you’re getting paid. 7/26/2024 12:27:16 AM
Ragtag convention +0/-3
Not a fan 7/20/2024 7:43:03 AM
You’re an idiot +4/-5 No stealing of anything 7/20/2024 12:00:37 PM
You’re an idiot +0/-3 You just proved 7/20/2024 9:47:19 PM Sorry if that hurt some of y’all’s feelings but +0/-2 He ain’t lying 7/21/2024 1:20:55 PM
Obesity is a disease? +3/-7
There were no fat people 7/19/2024 10:07:21 PM
Air Conditioner +1/-1
Schweddy Balls 7/19/2024 8:44:35 AM
EMS Complaining. +10/-3
Give it up 7/18/2024 8:40:30 PM
EMS Complaining. +3/-3 True 7/19/2024 12:29:55 AM
EMS Has so many that +2/-2 Anonymous 7/21/2024 2:51:08 PM
PHI-AMG -2nd round........... (NT) +0/-1
more maintenance layoffs 7/17/2024 6:45:23 PM
(No Subject) +2/-3
Long time employee 7/17/2024 9:45:01 AM
Uncompetitive Company +0/-1
Anonymous 7/17/2024 5:29:51 AM
Uncompetitive Company +0/-4 Anonymous 7/18/2024 2:51:09 PM
Whose 600N crashed near Houston? +0/-1
all walked away 7/17/2024 4:18:11 AM
Whose 600N crashed near Houston? +0/-1 uhhmmmmm 7/17/2024 4:13:41 PM
Whose 600N crashed near Houston? +0/-0 Jack Researcher 7/18/2024 10:18:38 PM Whose 600N crashed near Houston? +0/-1 600str 7/19/2024 12:37:47 AM
Anyone here had a neck fusion or disc replacement +0/-0
and still flies? 7/16/2024 1:09:19 PM
Uh60 fire pilots +7/-7
This year 7/16/2024 10:43:27 AM
Uh60 fire pilots +5/-4 Yeah yeah 7/16/2024 6:02:58 PM
Chopper cops +1/-2
Florida man 7/15/2024 1:31:12 AM
Chopper cops +0/-1 Floriduh 7/15/2024 11:33:14 PM
REACH float pilot life? +0/-0
Curiois cat 7/14/2024 11:40:24 AM
REACH float pilot life? +1/-1 eminem 7/15/2024 9:08:02 AM
REACH float pilot life? +0/-1 Thanks 7/17/2024 12:43:52 PM
CNN initial report +7/-2
???? 7/14/2024 8:05:09 AM
CNN initial report +6/-6 CNN is not a news organization. 7/14/2024 6:51:25 PM
CNN initial report +0/-7 it’s called act blue 7/15/2024 8:23:58 AM
Witness tried to alert Law Enforcement +2/-2
They didn't react 7/14/2024 2:44:38 AM
Witness tried to alert Law Enforcement +2/-2 Troll - not the shooter 7/14/2024 7:27:42 AM Witness tried to alert Law Enforcement +6/-0 NJSP 7/14/2024 9:40:27 AM
Witness tried to alert Law Enforcement +0/-0 NotPotus 8/22/2024 6:44:02 AM Witness tried to alert Law Enforcement +0/-1 Anonymous 7/14/2024 9:41:10 PM
AW109E. Anyone with a good W&B program ? (NT) +0/-2
Thanks 7/12/2024 9:32:35 PM
AW109E. Anyone with a good W&B program ? +0/-0 Excel 7/15/2024 7:49:33 AM
Destination 0 +0/-3
Sul-e-sullenburger 7/12/2024 6:51:19 PM
Destination 0 +1/-1 Long time employee 7/15/2024 7:50:46 PM
PHI Empower 401 +1/-2
poor man 7/12/2024 11:21:19 AM
PHI Empower 401 +2/-5 idiot 7/12/2024 12:24:09 PM PHI Empower 401 +0/-1 paperless 7/12/2024 4:51:40 PM
Any info on Helicopter Tour Accident yesterday? +1/-0
Wondering 7/12/2024 10:52:13 AM
Any info on Helicopter Tour Accident yesterday? +2/-0 Rip V. Winkle 7/12/2024 1:22:01 PM
idaho crash +0/-1
unknown pilt 7/11/2024 11:58:28 PM
Crash in MT +0/-1
Heard 7/11/2024 9:07:17 PM
Crash in MT +0/-0 Anonymous 7/12/2024 2:24:54 PM
Med Trans Float +2/-0
Applicant 7/11/2024 10:15:23 AM
Med Trans Float +0/-0 more HAA companies 7/24/2024 1:23:53 AM Med Trans Float +0/-0 Guest 7/26/2024 10:05:27 PM
Really AMC? +9/-4
Nice try though 7/10/2024 8:26:40 PM
Not PHI +0/-1 $150 if we're lucky 7/11/2024 12:23:27 AM
Double time email +0/-4
Alberto Beryl 7/10/2024 2:04:33 AM
Pretty Cool +6/-2
Anonymous 7/9/2024 1:28:27 PM
Pretty Cool +1/-0 Since 7/9/2024 6:54:07 PM Pretty Cool +1/-3 HAA Pilot 7/10/2024 6:31:16 AM
AK Bell 204 Crash +0/-1
Gomer From Homer 7/8/2024 12:12:08 PM
AK Bell 204 Crash +1/-0 says he's from homer 7/8/2024 1:08:52 PM
Market DownTurn +0/-4
Getting ready 7/8/2024 8:15:32 AM
Market DownTurn +15/-2 bury it 7/8/2024 10:10:04 AM Market DownTurn +0/-2 well for one.. 7/8/2024 11:38:39 AM
Market DownTurn +2/-2 it's called "float" 7/8/2024 11:51:52 AM Market DownTurn +0/-0 anonymous 7/25/2024 3:19:14 PM Gold and silver (NT) +0/-3 It’s the only way forward 7/8/2024 12:55:23 PM "Plastics" (NT) +1/-1 Mr. Robinson 7/8/2024 3:44:50 PM Market DownTurn +1/-1 Rvrrat 7/8/2024 9:20:40 PM No one knows where the market is going to go +1/-0 ---- 7/12/2024 10:21:52 PM
Heat +1/-1
Hot 7/8/2024 1:23:33 AM
Heat +0/-0 Aircraft limit? 7/8/2024 7:48:04 AM
Heat Limitation +1/-0 Astar B3e 7/8/2024 8:57:31 AM
Save your money +0/-9
Don't buy nothing 7/7/2024 5:39:09 AM
LED bulbs are such a sham!! +4/-6
'Last 13 Years" my AyeDoubleEss 7/6/2024 11:17:06 AM
LED bulbs are such a sham!! +1/-1 Wrong forum, but here you go... 7/6/2024 12:35:10 PM
LED bulbs are such a sham!! +0/-1 So much 7/6/2024 8:22:23 PM
PHI mechanic position +0/-1
Curious George 7/5/2024 9:41:37 AM
PHI mechanic position +2/-1 that guy 7/5/2024 11:03:11 AM PHI mechanic position +1/-1 Xphier 7/5/2024 3:58:59 PM
Never have I ever +1/-2
Pasta a la mold 7/4/2024 6:50:24 PM
Even crews can get bad food +3/-1 Al Denty 7/5/2024 7:14:08 AM
Even crews can get bad food +0/-1 Cal Amaree 7/5/2024 10:21:08 PM Never have I ever +0/-0 Roy 7/11/2024 10:12:46 AM
H160 in Houma +0/-1
First in service? 7/4/2024 8:27:46 AM
H160 in Houma +0/-0 Rick 8/15/2024 1:18:07 PM
AMC +0/-3
... 7/4/2024 4:38:03 AM
AMC +0/-1 guest 7/4/2024 11:30:21 AM
AMC +0/-3 guest 7/4/2024 11:29:20 AM
Reach and AM time off +0/-2
Looker 7/3/2024 8:35:45 AM
Reach and AM time off +2/-1 AMC Pilot 7/3/2024 11:13:18 AM
Reach and AM time off +0/-3 AMC’r 7/3/2024 1:53:39 PM