Msg ID:
2834787 |
R44 +0/-7
11/17/2024 5:47:47 PM
Deer Catching |
Msg ID:
2834790 |
R44 +0/-1
11/17/2024 7:06:48 PM
Reply to: 2834787
Need to do that to the marsh hog outbreak epidemic near high island |
Msg ID:
2834849 |
R44 +0/-1
11/18/2024 7:02:58 PM
Reply to: 2834790
I understand the need to capture them but I think I would hire a different pilot. Some one a little smoother. No need for the wild maneuvering. He's going to wear the cyclic out. Been there, done that ! |
Msg ID:
2834871 |
R44 +1/-1
11/19/2024 10:31:53 AM
Reply to: 2834849
wear the cyclic out? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. If you’ve done this before then you know this is what it takes to capture. Move on gramps. |
Msg ID:
2834877 |
R44 +4/-1
11/19/2024 12:55:52 PM
Reply to: 2834871
Wearing the cyclic out was a "metaphor". I know its had to understand being smooth on the controls and how it relates to performance when you train on MIcrosoft flight sims. I have never flown a Robinson but I'm sure it can be flown smoothly. You need to get out of your parents basement, drop the pepsi and cigarettes' and get a life. Best of Luck, "Gramps" |
Msg ID:
2834891 |
R44 +1/-1
Author:It’s also obvious
11/19/2024 5:04:24 PM
Reply to: 2834877
You’ve never done game capture either…..
Msg ID:
2834897 |
R44 +0/-1
11/19/2024 6:29:53 PM
Reply to: 2834891
Me and my podnuhs gonna get an exempt waiver from the FAA and Tex wildlife/game dept to hunt marsh hogs from PPG with night vision and 12ga slug drum saigas.
That's gon-b some game capture right there baw! |