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Msg ID: 2833980 How many recently separated  +4/-9     
11/4/2024 6:57:07 PM

From the military are on here finally realizing their hours don’t mean jack squat in the real world. 

Hawk pilots who can’t even get a Robbie job because their feet haven’t worked in 500 hrs and come into the civilian side thinking they’re hot stuff….

Msg ID: 2834012 How many recently separated  +7/-7     
Author:Original Poster Reminds Me Of...
11/5/2024 10:22:17 AM

Reply to: 2833980

The Cessna 152 CFI attempting to degrade the F-16/18 pilots because they have a difficult time switching from the fighter to flying the Cessna with precision on their first few flights.  What the Cessna pilot[s] don't realize is that the high-performance guys fly Alpha Angle rather than the basic:  Power controls altitude and stick controls airspeed in the low performance aircraft.

So for the original poster, I riddle you this:  At least the Hawk or Apache jocks can actually fly the Robbie...Maybe not with precision until 5 hours or so.  How about that Robbie pilot jumping into the right seat of the 60 and give it a shot?  The complexity of the machine alone would shut your childless attitude down before you engaged the start sequence.

Show a little humility and respect.  Use your knowledge to promote healthy discussion and apply your critical thinking skills before you spout out your opinions and become spring-loaded to the dumb A $$...


Msg ID: 2834013 How many recently separated  +6/-2     
11/5/2024 10:32:12 AM

Reply to: 2834012

I have seen many 60 pilots not get the Astar job because they couldn't hover.

Msg ID: 2834017 How many recently separated  +2/-2     
11/5/2024 10:41:00 AM

Reply to: 2834013

I got qualified in an AS-350 B2 & B3 in the mid 2000's.  Didn't fly those two a whole bunch, but that particular aircraft is a tough one to hover all around, especially when a pilots muscle memory and motor skills have been programmed to the exact opposite.  

It is true that a the pilots who are more experienced in one design and transition to the reverse design will have issues.  That can be worked out.  Remember, as professional pilots, we are all trained to a specific aircraft [or 2] and that training is airframe specific.  

My view on the 60 guy not being able to hover the 350, it sounds to me that the instructor in the aircraft wasn't doing his or her job.  The instructor should have been prepared for the hover deficiencies and taken that into account and provided some short, meaningful instructional tips on the aircraft differences and idiosyncrasies of the two machines. 


Msg ID: 2834018 How many recently separated  +1/-2     
11/5/2024 10:44:40 AM

Reply to: 2834017

It was not being able to hover during an OAS check ride,  not with a CFI.

Msg ID: 2834025 How many recently separated  +1/-1     
Author:Now It's Clarified...
11/5/2024 11:12:55 AM

Reply to: 2834018

That wasn't disclosed in the previous post[s].  Maybe that particular pilot is one of the proverbial 10%...Every profession has the group who only perform as 70%ers.   

I don't think it's healthy to have a BIAS with respect to an entire group of individuals based upon a military or civil background.  Each of the two groups have weaknesses and strengths.  A good company will know how to exploit the strengths of either background...


Msg ID: 2834019 How many recently separated  +1/-3     
11/5/2024 10:52:38 AM

Reply to: 2834017

A helicopter is a helicopter, no one cares what way the blades spin, you look outside and point the nose where it needs to be. Hovering is hovering, it’s literally one of the first skill sets you learn getting a PPL. 

It’s a well known fact. Military pilots, transitioning out have a hard time in civilian aircraft. Is what it is.

Seems many not make it and they get humbled that their 500 hrs of hawk time is worthless in their R44 interview

Msg ID: 2834023 How many recently separated (NT) +0/-2     
Author:Respectfully Disagree
11/5/2024 10:55:10 AM

Reply to: 2834019

Msg ID: 2834029 Who the f gets out of the military to fly robinsons?! (NT) +4/-2     
Author:This is all made up bs
11/5/2024 3:07:14 PM

Reply to: 2834019

Msg ID: 2834031 Who the f gets out of the military to fly robinsons?! (NT) +0/-2     
Author:Just An Analogy...
11/5/2024 3:48:30 PM

Reply to: 2834029

Msg ID: 2834014 How many recently separated  +3/-3     
Author:Actually its
11/5/2024 10:36:50 AM

Reply to: 2834012

The other way around….the hawk is much easier to fly than the Robinson….in fact, the hawk is pretty much the easiest aircraft out there to fly in the helicopter world….

Msg ID: 2834015 How many recently separated  +2/-2     
Author:You’re funny
11/5/2024 10:39:14 AM

Reply to: 2834012

Hawk takes zero skill….ask any of the utility guys who jumped into them who stayed out the military….

The 60 platform is easy to fly….makes you lazy.

Msg ID: 2834020 How many recently separated  +2/-4     
Author:Right Up Until Something Breaks...
11/5/2024 10:52:56 AM

Reply to: 2834015

Then the piloting skills come into play with a requirement for a detailed understanding of the systems integration and operation.

With a background in air carrier training and standardization, I have witnessed it in many pilots time and time again.  Whether the 145 series BK, the 109's, the 135 series, etc., all the pilots love the automation and the aircraft AFCS...It flies itself...Easy as can be.  Get these same guys into a Level D FFS and start failing the upper modes, AFCS, AHRS, ADC's, etc., and the pilot is completely transformed from a cool steely-eyed aviator into high stress and high anxiety pilot searching the cockpit for information on how to trouble-shoot and maintain control of the aircraft.


Msg ID: 2834030 How many recently separated  +0/-1     
Author:The V/r at the end gives you away
11/5/2024 3:09:34 PM

Reply to: 2834020

I'm guessing all those "civilian" guys who roll the bird without their autopilot have a service stripe or two as well.

Msg ID: 2834028 Humility?? Shirley, you jest! +1/-1     
Author:Hawk 2a
11/5/2024 2:30:22 PM

Reply to: 2834012

"So for the original poster, I riddle you this:  At least the Hawk or Apache jocks can actually fly the Robbie...Maybe not with precision until 5 hours or so.  How about that Robbie pilot jumping into the right seat of the 60 and give it a shot?  The complexity of the machine alone would shut your childless attitude down before you engaged the start sequence."

Oh really? Heavy-D Sparks didn't seem to have any trouble his first time in the Hawk. Oh, and asking a helicopter pilot to have some humility is like asking the sun to not rise tomorrow morning. Good luck with that.

Msg ID: 2834133 Humility?? Shirley, you jest! (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Don't Call Me Shirley...
11/7/2024 12:42:25 PM

Reply to: 2834028

Msg ID: 2834021 CHI likes ex Military +12/-1     
Author:Send a resume
11/5/2024 10:53:46 AM

Reply to: 2833980

We like them because they ain’t pussies.

Msg ID: 2834442 CHI likes ex Military +1/-1     
11/12/2024 9:53:24 AM

Reply to: 2834021

statement is actually true, but the brashness has to become functional communication and satisfactory interpersonal behavior in the civil world.  Key word = 'civil'.  

Msg ID: 2834022 Please send a resume to CHI aviation (NT) +9/-1     
Author:We prefer ex-Military
11/5/2024 10:54:54 AM

Reply to: 2833980

Msg ID: 2834024 Please send a resume to CHI aviation  +5/-1     
Author:Go for it
11/5/2024 10:56:20 AM

Reply to: 2834022

CHI needs a chief pilot. Let them know how much you can bench and you’re in.

Msg ID: 2834034 Another post that shows exactly why you don't make over 100k. (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Room temp IQs
11/5/2024 4:26:51 PM

Reply to: 2833980

Msg ID: 2834441 How many recently separated  +3/-0     
11/12/2024 9:51:34 AM

Reply to: 2833980

military pilots bravado is a bit jacked up but that's good going in to battle, gotta believe in yourself.  In the civilian world you need to save that for mil ops and just be competent, on time, with good judgement and ability to interact comfortably with others.  That's a learning curve worthwhile of recognition.

Msg ID: 2834741 How many recently separated  +0/-0     
11/17/2024 10:06:04 AM

Reply to: 2833980

like a reality check!
