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Msg ID: 2823647 Reach and AM time off  +0/-2     
7/3/2024 8:35:45 AM

Does anyone know how many vacation days and holidays you get off per year when starting at Reach or Air Methods? Thanks in advance for any serious answers.

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Msg ID: 2823651 Reach and AM time off  +0/-2     
Author:AMC schlepp
7/3/2024 9:31:41 AM

Reply to: 2823647

starts you out at 84 hours but you accrue it at .038 per hour so you earn more if you work more

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Msg ID: 2823654 Working more doesn’t earn you more. It earns it faster. Everyone capped at (NT) +3/-2     
Author:264 hours total and 84 annually
7/3/2024 9:56:50 AM

Reply to: 2823651

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Msg ID: 2823664 Reach and AM time off  +2/-1     
Author:AMC Pilot
7/3/2024 11:13:18 AM

Reply to: 2823651

That's not true. You stop accruing hours after 2190 hours. So the more you work the sooner you accrue your vacation hours for the year. 

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Msg ID: 2823669 Reach and AM time off  +0/-1     
7/3/2024 11:47:05 AM

Reply to: 2823664


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Msg ID: 2823678 Reach and AM time off  +0/-3     
7/3/2024 1:53:39 PM

Reply to: 2823664

Not true. 

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Msg ID: 2823872 Reach and AM time off  +0/-1     
Author:I’m maxed out
7/7/2024 1:19:05 AM

Reply to: 2823678

Been here long enough I get 5 weeks a year.

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