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Msg ID: 2823363 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
6/29/2024 12:12:16 PM

Which is faster EC135 or EC145. Keeping in mind that the EC135 would probably be close to max gross with our configuration, while the EC145 would have the same crew and equipment which should allow more power for speed?

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Msg ID: 2823365 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
6/29/2024 12:33:09 PM

Reply to: 2823363

Which variant of each are you looking at? Fresh off the factory floor? So a 5 blade D3 H145 vs the H135P3H. Or are you looking at used airframes so you could be looking at BK117c2 (traditional tail) or BK117d2 (fenestron tail but 4 MRBs) 

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Msg ID: 2823366 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
Author:the difference is
6/29/2024 12:33:46 PM

Reply to: 2823363

negligbile. a lightly loaded helicopter is not appreciably faster

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Msg ID: 2823367 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
6/29/2024 12:46:58 PM

Reply to: 2823363

Do you have a budget????

If not>>  D3

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Msg ID: 2823370 Looking at new airframes +0/-4     
6/29/2024 1:05:40 PM

Reply to: 2823367

I'd opt for a single engine, a twin doesn't pencil out due to re-imbursment rates. otherwise,  I'd be looking at the S76

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Msg ID: 2823371 Looking at new airframes +3/-2     
Author:didn't take long
6/29/2024 1:08:30 PM

Reply to: 2823370

for the thread to derail with replies that have nothing to do with the question. 

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Msg ID: 2823402 Looking at new airframes +0/-3     
Author:I'd avoid helis
6/29/2024 5:41:14 PM

Reply to: 2823371

alltogether.  go fixed wing

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Msg ID: 2823403 Looking at new airframes +3/-1     
6/29/2024 6:00:55 PM

Reply to: 2823363

The 135 is faster and cheaper to operate. Base price 2M cheaper. Less mx items. Lower DOC.

Lean out your crews and carry less crap and 135 will outrun a 145 all day long.

Ask the launch customers of the 145s who have had them 15 years now.


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Msg ID: 2823439 Looking at new airframes +1/-1     
6/30/2024 8:39:24 AM

Reply to: 2823403

The 135 is the only way to go.

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Msg ID: 2823493 Looking at new airframes +3/-2     
Author:Qualified in all 3...
6/30/2024 7:14:32 PM

Reply to: 2823403

EC-145=137KTAS; H-145D2/D3 =138KTAS; EC-135 & H-135=134KTAS...All close approximate values.

Not much difference and who cares about 2 or 3 KTS.  No helicopter is "Fast."

Useful load is what counts.  If that is the objective and variable and fixed operating costs are not a factor, then the H-145D3 is the choice.  If variable and fixed costs are the main objective, then the H-135 is the way to go.

An above poster had it correct...Lighten the equipment and medical personnel.  Equipment is easy, medical personnel are generally "Robust" and not quite so easy to convince anyone they are not in shape to fill a flight position.  Short of that, we all know fuel is the variable.

Remember, the EC-145 is a legacy aircraft and is becoming more and more expensive to maintain because they are on the back side of the curve.

After 35+ years in the HAA sector, most aircraft choices are based upon some medical manager looking at a picture and saying "We want these because it looks cool or it will do everything we need..."  Then they convince the bean counters it is the best choice and find out once they take delivery, in most cases the aircraft can't get out of it's own way due to the loading expectations.


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Msg ID: 2823494 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
Author:good luck with
6/30/2024 7:15:43 PM

Reply to: 2823493

137 knots. lol

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Msg ID: 2823495 Looking at new airframes (NT) +0/-1     
Author:137KTAS is accurate...
6/30/2024 7:16:42 PM

Reply to: 2823494

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Msg ID: 2823496 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
Author:thanks for telling everybody
6/30/2024 7:31:51 PM

Reply to: 2823495

you've never flown it

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Msg ID: 2823523 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
Author:yeah but wut if
7/1/2024 11:00:48 AM

Reply to: 2823493

variable costs are an objective but fixed costs are not? lol. wuts a legacy aircraft and why must I remeber this. wuts the backside of the curve. wuts a loading expectation. wut ever should I do. wut the hell are you talking about.

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Msg ID: 2823524 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
Author:Short of that, we all know fuel is
7/1/2024 11:03:26 AM

Reply to: 2823523

the variable. yes we all know that short of something. lol wut

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Msg ID: 2823588 Looking at new airframes +0/-1     
Author:says he's qualified
7/2/2024 12:41:35 PM

Reply to: 2823493

first sentence is complete bullsh*t. lol

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