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Msg ID: 2822936 Blue Angels  +7/-1     
6/23/2024 7:14:10 PM
Just flew over. My helicopter stuff can't compare.

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Msg ID: 2822947 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +2/-3     
Author:a Navy Pilot
6/24/2024 4:51:33 AM

Reply to: 2822936

Easy street Robbie 101 

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Msg ID: 2822949 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +1/-10     
Author:big talk
6/24/2024 6:30:34 AM

Reply to: 2822947

let me guess, army pilot? because getting a degree to be a real pilot would be too hard?

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Msg ID: 2822967 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +9/-2     
Author:X CWO
6/24/2024 11:23:44 AM

Reply to: 2822949

I've got a BA in Business.  I had it when I went into the Army in 1985.  I declined a "real pilot" commission because, if I was going to be in the Army, I wanted to be a pilot an actually fly.  Comissioned Officers in the Army eventually do more desk flying then aircraft flying.  While I was in the Army I worked on amd got my MBA.  Retired a W4.  BTW, I'm not the only one who chose that path.  

Kinda proves you don't really know what the h 3 I I you're talking about, huh?  Just saying........     

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Msg ID: 2822971 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-8     
Author:I get ya
6/24/2024 12:12:54 PM

Reply to: 2822967

Being a "jet jockey" just wasn't for you huh mr businessman

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Msg ID: 2822976 I hear ya you're a Tier 1 "Call of Duty" (NT) +2/-1     
Author:guy when you're not flying jets.
6/24/2024 12:53:01 PM

Reply to: 2822971

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Msg ID: 2822980 I hear ya you're a Tier 1 "Call of Duty" +0/-3     
6/24/2024 1:20:35 PM

Reply to: 2822976
But I also didn't "decline a commission" to fly helicopters

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Msg ID: 2822995 I hear ya you're a Tier 1 "Call of Duty" +0/-2     
6/24/2024 5:39:44 PM

Reply to: 2822980

Me either, but I wish I had.

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Msg ID: 2823003 no doubt. You also have never held a commission, (NT) +0/-3     
Author:or attended basic training.
6/24/2024 7:45:08 PM

Reply to: 2822980

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Msg ID: 2823012 no doubt. You also have never held a commission, +1/-3     
Author:just flew my robinson
6/24/2024 9:34:31 PM

Reply to: 2823003

now i'm flying EMS the same as all of you CWOs

Except I'm 20 years younger!

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Msg ID: 2823083 kinda young to have a retirement job... (NT) +2/-1     
Author:good luck
6/25/2024 11:43:57 AM

Reply to: 2823012

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Msg ID: 2823095 kinda young to have a retirement job... +1/-1     
Author:What do you mean "retirement job?"
6/25/2024 2:16:01 PM

Reply to: 2823083

Why would you do more work than you need to ever? Is this some weird boomer "you need to suffer because I said so" stuff?

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Msg ID: 2823019 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +2/-1     
Author:X CWO
6/24/2024 11:28:56 PM

Reply to: 2822971

No actually.  I am a Viet-Nam era Air Force brat.  My dad retired a full an O-6 (a full "bird" Colonel for you uninitiated).  I always wanted to fly helicopters, nothing else.  My dad never understood it.  To this day I still don't have any fixed wing ratings.  Who wants to fly something you can trim up, then set the autopilot or Flight Management System up on, then read the paper of take a nap?  Not me.  

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Msg ID: 2823075 Who wants to fly something you can trim up, then set the autopilot or Flig +2/-0     
6/25/2024 10:05:40 AM

Reply to: 2823019

"Who wants to fly something you can trim up, then set the autopilot or Flight Management System up on, then read the paper of take a nap?  Not me."

Flying fixed wing is generally boring. Except when you want to go somewhere more than an hour away...

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Msg ID: 2822981 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +1/-1     
Author:No degree
6/24/2024 1:21:04 PM

Reply to: 2822967

Makes you a better pilot......


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Msg ID: 2822984 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-1     
Author:why does
6/24/2024 2:48:39 PM

Reply to: 2822981

maga attack education

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Msg ID: 2822988 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-4     
Author:There's a reason
6/24/2024 3:02:36 PM

Reply to: 2822981
The only bird you you can fly in the military without a degree has spinny wings

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Msg ID: 2823096 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-1     
Author:An Army Guy
6/25/2024 2:39:27 PM

Reply to: 2822988
Army has FW too. Very few chances to get it on Active Duty but if you join a Reserve or National Guard unit that has them you can get a slot much easier.

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Msg ID: 2823101 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-2     
Author:Fair enough
6/25/2024 3:09:28 PM

Reply to: 2823096

Do they pick who flies them at random? Or do they only choose the very best guys to do it?

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Msg ID: 2823099 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-6     
Author:IFR Ian
6/25/2024 3:00:18 PM

Reply to: 2822967

He says this while the Army is hemorraghing helo pilots to the airlines. The Army already can't find enough suckers to spend 10 years flying helicopters, if they offered jets en masse it'd be game over for rotary wing.

There's a reason why the cream of the crop is chosen to fly Army stuck wings and all the other mouthbreathers go rotor.

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Msg ID: 2823125 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +1/-1     
Author:say wut
6/26/2024 1:34:19 AM

Reply to: 2823099

serving your country as a helicopter pilot is for "suckers". sounds familiar. and since the army is probably not going to offer everyone a fighter jet job and since the army doesn't even have any fighter jets, that's probably a stupid thing to say

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Msg ID: 2823173 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-4     
Author:You're right
6/26/2024 1:54:06 PM

Reply to: 2823125
They don't offer fighters. They fly Gulfstreams and Citations. And only the best candidates get them, all of the losers get rotor.

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Msg ID: 2823213 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +1/-1     
Author:An Army Guy
6/27/2024 9:43:50 AM

Reply to: 2823173
The majority fly C-12's and it may typically be the top performers of a flight class who choose them out of flight school but I wouldn't say the best of the pilots in the Army go FW. To cross over to Gulfstreams and Citations later in their careers they'd certainly have to be strong performers when they were in the King Airs.

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Msg ID: 2823270 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-2     
6/27/2024 8:08:10 PM

Reply to: 2823213

I guess female LTs must have been the "top performers" when I went through. That's who typically got those slots. 

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Msg ID: 2823156 Mom & Dad can’t pay your way to become  +0/-2     
6/26/2024 11:29:46 AM

Reply to: 2822947

You are completely discounting those civilian trained pilots who for the love of flying and flying helicopters in particular, financed their training on there own at predatory rates and are still paying off those loans without complaint. No government handouts. No relief programs. Just working hard flying helicopter, making payments, and pulling in the same salary as you. 

Those poor bas ards. Thank God my parents were rich. 

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Msg ID: 2823014 Blue Angels  +2/-1     
6/24/2024 10:27:38 PM

Reply to: 2822936

compares to the time when they were performing in F4 Phantoms!

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Msg ID: 2823262 Blue Angels  +2/-1     
6/27/2024 5:37:44 PM

Reply to: 2822936

Difference between Blue Angel pilots and you guys is they dont wish they could fly helicopters and never did. 

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