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Msg ID: 2822844 New message +1/-6     
6/23/2024 10:33:32 AM

Lets get back to basics and how honest, supportive, trustworthy , have your back in all situation, our one and only medical crews.

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Msg ID: 2822896 New message +9/-0     
Author:The way it is
6/23/2024 11:08:51 AM

Reply to: 2822844

Im retired now ( thank you) but I regretfully worked in HEMS 6 years as a mechanic (I actually could fix stuf)

working with pilots and med crews for a couple different companies, I shall share my take on the situation, there are good pilots that are intelligent, professional and courteous- there are pilots that are lying unprofessional $cheiseheads.The exact same with the med crew- people are people no matter where you go, it's a shame we can't just call out the $cheiseheads into the street and shoot em down !

have a nice day !

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Msg ID: 2822898 Same us true about mechanics too! (NT) +2/-1     
6/23/2024 11:32:13 AM

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Msg ID: 2822900 Same us true about mechanics too! +8/-1     
Author:Old geezer mechanic
6/23/2024 11:40:18 AM

Reply to: 2822898

Did this ems stuff since 1982, back in its infancy, it was great. The teamwork was unprecedented, everybody got along, there was no cancer, if some BS came up, it was quickly taken care of "behind the hangar"

Nowaday, Backstabbing is the "norm", I dont know what changed the culture, but it's bad,


So 1 more year and then all the young "stars' can take over!!!!

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Msg ID: 2822930 Its 'hanger' don''t you have spellcheck?? (NT) +1/-10     
6/23/2024 4:55:33 PM

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Msg ID: 2822932 I put my flightsuit on a hanger in the hangar (NT) +7/-0     
Author:close the clothes closet when you leave
6/23/2024 5:47:17 PM

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Msg ID: 2822955 Its 'hanger' don''t you have spellcheck?? +2/-0     
Author:no stupid, its hangar
6/24/2024 10:11:23 AM

Reply to: 2822930

look it up "webster"

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Msg ID: 2822962 "Its 'hanger' don''t you have spellcheck??" Do you????? +0/-0     
6/24/2024 10:44:50 AM

Reply to: 2822955


1 of 2


iv class="row entry-attr mb-3 mt-2">
han·​gar ˈhaŋ-ər  ˈhaŋ-gər iv>
especially a covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraft

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Msg ID: 2822993 You must be a Calvary pilot too! (NT) +1/-1     
Author:I can tell
6/24/2024 5:07:34 PM

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Msg ID: 2822941 New message +0/-1     
Author:not the way it is
6/23/2024 10:10:36 PM

Reply to: 2822896

pilots complain to each other. med crews send emails to blow you up. slightly different 

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Msg ID: 2822913 New message +13/-2     
Author:HAA Pilot
6/23/2024 12:57:43 PM

Reply to: 2822844

you'll never win an argument with the med crew, even when you're right. they can get rid of you but you can't get rid of them. situation may have been differeant back in the day but boy, have things changed. they are not your friends...

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Msg ID: 2822914 New message +2/-6     
Author:sounds like one of two things
6/23/2024 1:31:29 PM

Reply to: 2822913

you just suck


you're a jerk

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Msg ID: 2822917 New message (NT) +4/-1     
Author:y this response is the problem i
6/23/2024 1:45:41 PM

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Msg ID: 2822969 New message +0/-1     
Author:And they
6/24/2024 11:55:16 AM

Reply to: 2822913

are not a part of positive safety culture evolution! 

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Msg ID: 2823081 New message +1/-1     
6/25/2024 11:02:56 AM

Reply to: 2822969

At my EMS base the hospital has a contract with I'll call them company MA. The nurses all work for the hospital wtih the contract with MA. If any of the nurses, even anonymously, have an issue or problem with a pilot and let MA know the pilot is guilty. Guilty until proven innocent? No, the pilot is guilty and there is no proving anything. The pilot is guilty. Get enough guilty sentences and you done. In the meantime, you're a guilty pilot with a bad attitude or just not a team player. Where I work the nurses are king, queen and the rest of the royal familty. The local MA management is the nurses biggest chearleader. BUT, we are all one big happy family! Just ask the hospital.

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Msg ID: 2823118 New message +0/-1     
Author:the dude above
6/25/2024 8:15:03 PM

Reply to: 2823081

speaks the truth for most places

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