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Msg ID: 2822546 Air Methods Float +0/-3     
Author:Serious Answers Please
6/18/2024 2:26:43 PM

What's the Air Methods hiring process like?

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Msg ID: 2822548 Air Methods Float +2/-1     
6/18/2024 3:01:41 PM

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Msg ID: 2822549 Air Methods Float +8/-0     
Author:It's called the pool
6/18/2024 3:02:39 PM

Reply to: 2822546

You will probably get a call from the CP as he is the head of the pool pilots. It was informal. If it goes good, he will tell you to expect an offer letter. If you accept, you go to Denver for a week of indoc and a week of aircraft training. You will get a couple weeks off until you are to show up at your first assigned base. Not much to it.


The pool is okay BUT be aware there is a reason the job you are filling has long been open. One reason is it's in a far away place that nobody will ever wants to work at. This is not bad as the med crews are usually pretty good.

The other reason is the base is a toxic waste dump of humanity. Not a problem, you might think: you're a pool pilot, you won't be there long. WRONG. They take their sweet time moving you out of these places and in the mean time, IT SUCKS. There is also a very good chance the next place won't be any better. 

The pool is good in that it pays well. Per diem plus all expense paid and OT for all travel. If you want to work over, you can make $200K a year.

If you're applying for area relief, I don't know anything about it so disregard.

BTW, the pool pilot manager is awesome. 

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Msg ID: 2823016 Air Methods Float +1/-0     
6/24/2024 10:34:28 PM

Reply to: 2822549

advice.  Glad to hear the manager is a good one.  Nothing a greater annoyance than an idiot manager!

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Msg ID: 2822679 Air Methods Float +0/-1     
6/20/2024 11:15:58 AM

Reply to: 2822546

long and annoying unless you have the skills they need at the time of interview.

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