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Msg ID: 2821574 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? (NT) +1/-0     
6/7/2024 10:48:25 AM

Msg ID: 2821590 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Where's my Hat?
6/8/2024 3:34:02 AM

Reply to: 2821574

Msg ID: 2821591 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +1/-0     
Author:Swag police
6/8/2024 3:36:19 AM

Reply to: 2821590

You can't tell me they didn't have any hats.


I also want a 75th anny hat.


All Mechanics should have gotten at least 2 hats.


One to wear and one to give dad for Father's day coming up.


Come on PHI!

Msg ID: 2821595 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-1     
Author:your dad
6/8/2024 10:58:04 AM

Reply to: 2821591

I don't want a stupid PHI hat you got for free

Msg ID: 2821603 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +2/-0     
6/8/2024 2:31:29 PM

Reply to: 2821595

Your Dad don't because he's not Impressed by your flying skills.


But Mine is proud I fix helis.  Brags about it to his friends that there ain't nothing on his creeper van I can't fix for him or on his hog when the wires burn up under the stator.


I was a teenage kid obsessed with car stereo and would spend hours in my lil 1982 Datsun pickup running wires and installing amps and changing things around.  I remember him coming out the house one day and hollering at me to "leave that fking truck alone."  I think it was getting dark and time for me to come in.  That, and He was starting to get annoyed with me and the time I spent on the truck.  He could be a hard man to live with.  Probably why I joined the AF at such a young age, 17, to get away from his oppressive and overbearing rule.

He's changed in his old age.  We get along much better now.  Now, He'd probably encourage younger me to keep working on that old truck if he could go back in time and change his ways and not be such a hard as-s.


But yeah, my Dad's ok.


Msg ID: 2821610 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
Author:Wasn’t free.
6/8/2024 6:30:21 PM

Reply to: 2821603

You had to buy a Ticket to go. Great appreaciation from the company having you buy a ticket to come. Did Big Al show up?  He was monumental in growing that company.

Msg ID: 2821787 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
6/10/2024 12:11:15 PM

Reply to: 2821610

You didnt have to buy a ticket. You just couldnt be a POS.  

Guess you didnt make the cut. 

Msg ID: 2821784 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
Author:The last 10 years have been bad
6/10/2024 11:32:55 AM

Reply to: 2821639

since Chap 11

Msg ID: 2821788 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
Author:Wrong again
6/10/2024 12:12:03 PM

Reply to: 2821784

Actually, since emergence they have done great.  

Msg ID: 2821798 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +2/-0     
Author:OK, let me educate you
6/10/2024 2:28:37 PM

Reply to: 2821788

raises less than 1%

401K cut in half

per diem still 30 a day

med managers running wild with no accountability


I can go on............................

Msg ID: 2821801 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-1     
Author:Try again
6/10/2024 2:55:00 PM

Reply to: 2821798

Why would people get raises?  There is a market value for jobs.  The fact that you think you should get paid more each year for the same outcome is laughable.  Do the market analysis instead of just complaining.  If you are still unhappy, go find a new job.  

401k cut in half or was it tied to company performance?  

Per diem is not 30 a day.  

Med managers running wild is just an emotional statement with no factual basis.


I get that you are emotionally charged and unable to articulate an actual position based on facts.  The policies you want so dearly to return put PHI in a bankruptcy, so they took measures to protect the business.  If you dont like it, you are free to go somewhere else.  

Msg ID: 2821803 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
6/10/2024 3:12:25 PM

Reply to: 2821801

do the market analysis for your job


Msg ID: 2821806 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
6/10/2024 3:24:06 PM

Reply to: 2821803

Exactly.  You don't do any research, you just think you should be paid more for the exact same work because you should.  Not because of anything factual.  You don't know where your salary ranks amongst industry.  You just want to bitch. 

If you are underpaid you would have left.  If you stay at a company, and you could make more and be happier somewhere else and dont leave then you are dumber than you've shown here.  Thats saying something. 


Msg ID: 2821886 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
Author:if you think a PHI mechanic
6/11/2024 11:04:51 AM

Reply to: 2821806

doesn't already know what mechanics are making at other companies, you are a freakin idiot bro. quitting is not always an option due to lots of reasons. companies keep up salaries to attract and retain employees. when they don't, that's the reason for unions. 

Msg ID: 2821887 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +1/-0     
6/11/2024 12:08:38 PM

Reply to: 2821886

So basically you are just a bitch here to bitch.  And you expect more pay because you are bitching.  And you can't work somewhere else bc you are probably not hireable.  Because you probably bitch a lot. 

And you think a union will fix your problem of making more money, even tho you will then have to give a portion of your more money to someone else.  

Solid logic homey. 

Msg ID: 2821937 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
6/11/2024 12:56:56 PM

Reply to: 2821887

union workers make on average 18% more than non union, so yes it is logical to want to be a union worker. since most dues are 1% of salary, you do the math bro. I notice you already gave up on the market analysis nonsense. lol

Msg ID: 2821938 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
Author:All figured out
6/11/2024 12:59:36 PM

Reply to: 2821937

sounds like you have it all figured out. 


I gave up because arguing with an idiot is wasteful.  You act like the company is at your mercy worried about your unionizing.  You dont have near the clout you think you have.  And again, if you could make more you would.  


You are probably already overpaid and sit around complaining online versus doing your job. 

Msg ID: 2821942 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +0/-0     
Author:say wut
6/11/2024 1:29:35 PM

Reply to: 2821938

yes, I do have it figured out. I have not given any thought as to what the company is worried about. lol 

Msg ID: 2821802 Who is going to the Real PHI 75th in LFT today? +2/-0     
Author:counting is hard
6/10/2024 2:56:22 PM

Reply to: 2821784

2024 (today) minus 2019 (chapter 11) = 5 years


Five years is not ten years. 
