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Msg ID: 2821253 USFS Contracts? H145? +2/-0     
6/2/2024 12:26:03 PM

How in the world does it make sense to have these aircraft on contract when their water carrying ability is almost the same as an AS350 B3 and cost over $20,000 a day and $6,000 a flight hour?


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Msg ID: 2821271 USFS Contracts? H145? +1/-0     
Author:First time?
6/2/2024 3:59:05 PM

Reply to: 2821253

The problem is you're trying to use logic and forest service at the same time. Aircraft contracting is playing a game of how many times can we lower rock bottom

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Msg ID: 2821287 USFS Contracts? H145? +0/-0     
6/2/2024 6:18:55 PM

Reply to: 2821253

Cheaper for us than paying Student Loans for votes.

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Msg ID: 2821353 USFS Contracts? H145? +1/-1     
6/3/2024 5:25:16 PM

Reply to: 2821253

Not the machine for the job. Airbus made some promises, struck a deal, leased the machines and next thing you know they are fire machines. No thank you.


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