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Msg ID: 2817975 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +2/-2     
5/26/2024 11:49:41 PM

Teaching this method to new students needs to stop. This has caused many close calls and a few fatal accidents doing this technique. low time CFIs have no idea what's going on and before they know it they're low g and chop the tailboom in the 44. 


good ol tried and true recovery from VRS is just fine.

Msg ID: 2817978 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +15/-5     
5/27/2024 1:36:41 AM

Reply to: 2817975

Probably what happened in Texas awhile ago. However that problem is more of a Robinson issue with a very inexperienced CFi. Complete crap helicopters, crap design, has been and always will be. I don't care how popular they are, they are crappy helicopters.


Msg ID: 2817990 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +3/-2     
Author:Aircraft owner
5/27/2024 11:00:53 AM

Reply to: 2817978

I have to agree with "Texas", I've owned two R-22's they're an accident waiting to happen, just add some mountain turbulence while operating near VNE.

Msg ID: 2817991 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +5/-2     
Author:just thought
5/27/2024 11:07:21 AM

Reply to: 2817990

but maybe not fly in the mountains near vne in any aircraft

Msg ID: 2817996 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +4/-6     
Author:I remember
5/27/2024 12:42:26 PM

Reply to: 2817978

When the Army had to publish mast bumping videos to keep the geniuses in Vietnam from killing themselves flying like garbage. Anyway I wonder who it was in the 80's and 90's teaching students how to kill themselves in Robbies so much that they had to publish the SFAR.

Msg ID: 2818008 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +3/-1     
Author:nothing like insulting veterans
5/27/2024 2:51:17 PM

Reply to: 2817996

on memorial day. what a guy

Msg ID: 2818010 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +2/-4     
Author:it's yet another reminder
5/27/2024 2:55:12 PM

Reply to: 2818008

this place is mostly deplorable maga trolls

Msg ID: 2818018 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-3     
Author:in memoriam
5/27/2024 4:55:09 PM

Reply to: 2818008

of all the crew cheifs and medevacs killed by hotshot pilots flying the mast off the bird

Msg ID: 2818020 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +1/-1     
Author:keep digging
5/27/2024 4:59:17 PM

Reply to: 2818018


Msg ID: 2817999 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +3/-1     
Author:I’d bet money it was
5/27/2024 12:59:21 PM

Reply to: 2817978

Adopting a maneuver which the instructor doesn't even understand but they've seen a video and try to put it into their Program in aircraft that can't handle it nor do they even have any experience with it. 

see it, try to spout it off to their students as a 10,000 hr experienced pilot, student doesn't know any better, then before you know it, you're falling from the sky.

Msg ID: 2817980 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +1/-1     
Author:many close calls
5/27/2024 5:20:20 AM

Reply to: 2817975

in other words, you got nothing 

Msg ID: 2818013 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-1     
5/27/2024 3:42:05 PM

Reply to: 2817980

You don't know, what you don't know.  I have the feeling, I had a few really close calls with instructors who demonstrated "extream settling".  These were post nam high time guys. 

Msg ID: 2818039 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-0     
Author:explain what you mean
5/28/2024 9:01:24 AM

Reply to: 2818013

by a close call

Msg ID: 2818017 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +2/-1     
Author:It’s obvious
5/27/2024 4:38:46 PM

Reply to: 2817975

Vuchard is a blow hard narcissis... change my mind

Msg ID: 2818104 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +1/-1     
Author:Vee Are Esser
5/29/2024 10:22:40 AM

Reply to: 2817975

Full-blown VRS is scary, we get it.  But VRS never happens way up high.  Rather, it's usually at the bottom of an f'ed-up approach. In incipient VRS, the key is to get air moving sideways through the disk again.  Mssr Vuichard reminds us that you can use the tail rotor thrust to help push the helicopter sideways, which allows you to lose less altitude than with the conventional "reduce power, push forward and hope you have enough altitude to recover" procedure.  That he put his name on the technique is odd.  I mean, a helicopter pilot with a big ego?  Say it ain't so!

Msg ID: 2818107 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-3     
Author:That’s a lot of words
5/29/2024 11:12:32 AM

Reply to: 2818104

To tell everyone you know nothing.....goal to get air to move sideways? 

how about you try again......

Msg ID: 2818120 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +2/-1     
Author:Vee Are Esser
5/29/2024 4:06:17 PM

Reply to: 2818107

The amount of hate on the internet, and especially in this childish forum is truly sad.  It is why helicopter pilots will always be second-class pilots.  Like this next guy here...


That's a lot of words to tell everyone you know nothing.....goal to get air to move sideways? 


Oh, should I have said "laterally" instead of sideways? Would that work for you, you bitter pedant? Please, tell us the best way to extricate your helicopter from VRS - we'd love to hear what new and different explanation you have.  Seriously.  P.S. In the future, I'll try to keep my posts to only one or two sentences, as we all know that your attention span isn't sufficient to comprehend more than that. Sorry. 

Msg ID: 2818123 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-1     
5/29/2024 5:01:07 PM

Reply to: 2818120

move the air sideways

Msg ID: 2818130 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-1     
5/29/2024 10:47:46 PM

Reply to: 2818120

ill answer....

1st, you're not moving the're moving the rotor disk which moves the AIRCRAFT...

2nd, it doesn't matter WHAT way you move the aircraft out of said AIR, once the advancing side is in clean air, then you're good to go....depending on what way the blades are spinning will dictate what direction resolves the MRVR faster.

3rd, you have to LOWER the power / PITCH if altitude permits. 

MRVR is not the same as SWP no matter what your r22 instructor says.


Msg ID: 2818117 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-1     
Author:It’s not the using
5/29/2024 2:55:29 PM

Reply to: 2818104

the Tailrotor to help with directional movement out of the "dirty air", it's the associated increase in power called for that shows a complete lack of understanding of fully developed VRS.

Msg ID: 2818154 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-0     
5/30/2024 6:23:20 PM

Reply to: 2818117

In an old Bell product,  I'm loading the rotor by kicking it out of trim while rolling inverted to show you how to loose alot of altitude really fast. You might need to loose altitiude fast if you're on fire. 

Msg ID: 2818196 JEEEZ..2nd grade spell check (NT) +2/-0     
Author: Definitely a loose loser
5/31/2024 10:13:57 AM

Reply to: 2818154

Msg ID: 2818201 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-1     
5/31/2024 10:49:44 AM

Reply to: 2818154

but that's okay, it's expected. 

Msg ID: 2821580 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +0/-0     
6/7/2024 2:21:37 PM

Reply to: 2817975
How do you get low g doing vuchiard?

Msg ID: 2823245 Visharrrdddd blah recovery +1/-0     
Author:It’s obvious
6/27/2024 1:41:43 PM

Reply to: 2817975

Vuchard is a blow hard narcissis... change my mind
