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Msg ID: 2815216 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
5/23/2024 5:40:40 PM

Rumor is another round of senior mechanics leaving due to poor management and lack of pay. 

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Msg ID: 2815218 PHI Mechanics +0/-5     
5/23/2024 5:52:03 PM

Reply to: 2815216

How will PHI survive if lazy old as dirt mechanics leave and we hire younger, able bodied, less likely to get hurt walking mechanics?  

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Msg ID: 2815219 PHI Mechanics +2/-1     
Author:I doubt it
5/23/2024 6:06:42 PM

Reply to: 2815218
It's funny basically all the companies are the same. And it's the same job if there was another job that paid more they would go to it. I doubt anyone is leaving

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Msg ID: 2815242 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:Old as dirt
5/24/2024 2:20:51 AM

Reply to: 2815218
Wait how old was the guy who jumped, I mean fell off the S92, after he cut his hand?

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Msg ID: 2815226 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:Rumor monger
5/23/2024 8:07:40 PM

Reply to: 2815216

 Rumor laid to rest. Extensive rumor exploration has revealed senior mechanics exoudus rumor was started by several senior mechanics that can't get work anywhere else as their lazy ways reputations have closed all exit doors.

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Msg ID: 2815227 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:Ghost off suggs
5/23/2024 8:18:32 PM

Reply to: 2815226
I can find all the mechanics I need on bourbon street.

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Msg ID: 2815233 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:Hey Mongo
5/23/2024 9:42:56 PM

Reply to: 2815226

we all went to Metro, where we are valued

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Msg ID: 2815229 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:senior mechanics dont take....
5/23/2024 8:54:18 PM

Reply to: 2815216

6 weeks to track/balance a EC 135

2 weeks to change a 407 eng

3 weeks to do a 300 hour on a 145

should I go on

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Msg ID: 2822322 PHI Mechanics +0/-0     
6/14/2024 8:17:06 AM

Reply to: 2815229

22 days into tracking a 407 right now 

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Msg ID: 2822323 PHI Mechanics +0/-0     
Author:thanks for the update
6/14/2024 8:18:33 AM

Reply to: 2822322

let us know if anything else exciting like that happens

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Msg ID: 2815235 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:PHI Mechanic
5/23/2024 10:53:46 PM

Reply to: 2815216

Here's a question for you all: Think of the best mechanic you've worked with here at PHI... the hard worker who is efficient and goes above and beyond, who is very good at what they do. If they decided enough is enough and they got an offer with another company paying more money, dealing with less crap that we all have to deal with here and they gave their manager an ultimatium "I have a better opportunity, these are my demands. What can you do to keep me?".

What do you think will happen? 

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Msg ID: 2815259 PHI Mechanics +0/-1     
Author:good bye
5/24/2024 12:44:56 PM

Reply to: 2815235

They don't care.

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Msg ID: 2815275 PHI Mechanics +4/-1     
5/24/2024 3:18:32 PM

Reply to: 2815235

Does not deal with terrorist employees who make demands.

I knew a guy who met all of your described qualifications minus the demands part.......he went work at a Plant near Lake Charles that refines petro as a service tech.  Had A&P while at PHI, was a Day man several times at both Houma and Galveston Bases, ran up 76's of the few Mechs allowed to do so.  Smart as a whip, could troubleshoot autopilot on 76 better than most of the avionics guys around.  PHI let him go.  Literally, instead of raise the pay he was requesting.  So he went work at the plant....and told me what he was making.  It was much more, for roughly the same hours.

The heli industry is lagging.  Always has, always will.

If you are single no kids with everything paid off, it's great.....but if you are trying to raise a family...and in his case quite a big family.....PHI is not a good place to try to do that......hell, IMO, you're better of going to med school to be a doctor or a lawyer.  That's the only way you'll swing a big family now days.....

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