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Msg ID: 2815200 Sing a poor +1/-11     
5/23/2024 2:05:35 PM

Not sure about the rest of the world.


But US pilots are trained on how to work the wx radar, how to deviate from set course, talk to control ask for better vector around thunderstorms, and know how to turn the course knob on the ehsi and twist the heading bug.


I guess that's too complex a task for foregin pilots grasp on big jumbos they can barely manage.

Beware who you fly with when flying overseas.  Some just plow right thru no matter what wx lies in front.....


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Msg ID: 2815203 Sing a poor +8/-1     
Author:Clear air
5/23/2024 2:14:17 PM

Reply to: 2815200

Right. This never happens to US carriers. Ever. You should probably slink back to your R-22 duma**

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Msg ID: 2815206 Sing a poor +1/-6     
Author:Jack hole
5/23/2024 2:34:34 PM

Reply to: 2815203

everyone knows we have better pilots, better aircraft, and better systems here in the US. 

Better chances you won't get killed on a US flight rather than some Keenome airlines out in bfe.



Lemee guess, you don't know how the wx radar works either...

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Msg ID: 2815207 Sing a poor +4/-1     
5/23/2024 2:39:00 PM

Reply to: 2815200

Ever been there or do you even know where, how, and to what standards they're trained? You dont need to answer, your ignorance is showing and is obvious to those that actually know.



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Msg ID: 2815208 Sing a poor +1/-6     
Author:SO you think
5/23/2024 2:47:49 PM

Reply to: 2815207

they are as well trained as US pilots?

When you start off with a language barrier right out the gates are already at a disadvantage.

sure there are a few pilots who can fly well from foregin countries.  Many of them fly for us here at my Company.....but I can tell you they still write up dumb $#!t.

I'll take a US english first language, good ole boy born and raised in the US pilot over a top gun ace foregin pilot any day of the week to fly my bird.  Because I know he knows what the hell is going on and the limitations of the aircraft.

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Msg ID: 2815210 Sing a poor +6/-1     
Author:Me and not you
5/23/2024 3:39:54 PM

Reply to: 2815208

FYI English is Singapore's official language. 😆

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Msg ID: 2815211 Sing a poor +0/-2     
Author:the goofy guru
5/23/2024 3:54:52 PM

Reply to: 2815208

chimes in and gets owned

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Msg ID: 2815231 Sing a poor +0/-3     
Author:Maybe several years ago
5/23/2024 9:23:34 PM

Reply to: 2815208

but not so much these days.  Standards may be the same, but not holding them shows eventually. 

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Msg ID: 2815209 Sing a poor +3/-1     
5/23/2024 3:04:41 PM

Reply to: 2815200

'merican pilots have never messed around with bad weather because they know how to use the heading bug lol

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Msg ID: 2815222 They'll cut you hair, .... I'll never go! (NT) +0/-3     
Author:Down on the Border
5/23/2024 7:36:31 PM

Reply to: 2815200

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Msg ID: 2815225 Sing a poor +0/-1     
Author:FL zero
5/23/2024 8:03:49 PM

Reply to: 2815200

 Speak for yourself. I got my ratings in 1992. Nothing I fly now nor most of my years even has WX radar.

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Msg ID: 2815236 Sing a poor +3/-1     
5/23/2024 11:20:03 PM

Reply to: 2815200

Singapore is frequently ranked the number one airline in the world by various sources. I've certainly enjoyed flying with them. A far nicer experience than any us airline I can think of, but that's just my take...

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