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Msg ID: 2815021 How many to keep the lights on? +1/-1     
Author:Rural AZ Flyr
5/19/2024 5:18:56 PM

For those that have been at a base that closed...any idea on flight volumes when a person should get concerned ?  

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Msg ID: 2815025 How many to keep the lights on? +2/-1     
Author:I’m ok
5/19/2024 6:24:11 PM

Reply to: 2815021

If you are asking be concerned

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Msg ID: 2815038 How many to keep the lights on? +3/-4     
Author:At least
5/19/2024 10:16:20 PM

Reply to: 2815021

Tree Fiddy!!!!!!!!

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Msg ID: 2815039 How many to keep the lights on? +0/-2     
Author:Depends on aircraft.
5/19/2024 10:57:50 PM

Reply to: 2815038

But generally for a Astar or 407/130 is like 21 flights a month min to break even.  If your below that continuously yeah your going to close. 21 is the magic number the bean counters use.  That's why most programs go look for contracts 

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Msg ID: 2815068 How many to keep the lights on? +0/-1     
Author:Big Twin
5/20/2024 1:42:18 PM

Reply to: 2815039

You better have deep pockets for those 169 and 525's!!

Oh wait just work for the government, then it does not matter.

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Msg ID: 2815070 How many to keep the lights on? (NT) +0/-1     
5/20/2024 1:50:05 PM

Reply to: 2815038

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Msg ID: 2815046 How many to keep the lights on? +0/-2     
Author:Prior AM
5/20/2024 7:24:59 AM

Reply to: 2815021

Ours closed down in MS.  We averaged between 30-35 a month.


There was just too much competition in the area.  You could fly 20 mins or less in any cardinal direction and find another HEMS base.


The next base I went to near Memphis ran around 60-65 and is still open.

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Msg ID: 2815048 How many to keep the lights on? +0/-2     
5/20/2024 7:57:30 AM

Reply to: 2815021

Ref: MTC they will not tell you how flights or when the base closed. Butt they will give you at least a hour notice. ref KPTW. 


Pa no Nj as one AH will mentione. 

fly all to NJ then! MTC had a company pilot stand if needed. 

one As h will mention all about it was the hospital not MTC choice, either way still less than a hour notice.

Enjoy the occupation 

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Msg ID: 2815049 How many to keep the lights on? +0/-1     
5/20/2024 8:09:55 AM

Reply to: 2815021

If you have an feeling on the base closed there's a good chance it will. Start looking out and for your self.

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Msg ID: 2815051 How many to keep the lights on? +4/-1     
5/20/2024 8:32:43 AM

Reply to: 2815049

About 4 years ago I was told 11-13 was the minimum needed for an average AMC base to break even.  Every place is different though, payer mix and types of flight vary too.  You might be doing 30 a month but if those jobs dont pay then thats worse than 20 flight but all pay well.  Hospital vs community bases have different expectations and needs.  A hospital might be making money on having those critical patients brought to them where they do well and dont worry about the billing for the actual ride there.  Lots of variables.

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Msg ID: 2815060 How many to keep the lights on? +6/-1     
5/20/2024 11:15:07 AM

Reply to: 2815021

Anony is right.  The issue isn't # of flights, it's reimbursement rates.  Less flights with a better reimbursement rate trumps (pun intended!) more flights with a lousy reimbursment rate.  Good luck!

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Msg ID: 2815124 Agreed +1/-1     
Author:Non-Rural AZ Dude
5/21/2024 3:17:15 PM

Reply to: 2815060

10 years ago Native 3/5/17 did 50+ every month like clockwork, and they all got closed. Indian Health Service and medicare/medicaid reimbursements weren't enough to have the bases make sense.

However: If you're consistently doing sub 20 you're in danger. If you're doing 20-30 but the mix is awful you're in danger. 

Not to mention contracts, hospital agreements, etc... Very little in HAA is truly "stable" over the long term.

Best of luck to you, hope your base makes it.

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Msg ID: 2815192 How many to keep the lights on? +1/-1     
5/22/2024 5:23:44 PM

Reply to: 2815021

We were averaging 15 per month at our community based program in Hamilton, Tx. Base lasted 2 years then shutdown in September 2016. 

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