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Msg ID: 2814784 Human Resources +47/-5     
5/14/2024 11:27:07 AM

One of the greatest downfalls of the helicopter industry over that past couple decades has been utilizing HR in the vetting process. 

Once upon a time, a pilot sends a resume to a Chief Pilot (who can actually read a pilot resume), then after successfully interviewing and the decision to hire is made by the only ones qualified to do that, namely the chief pilot and director of operations, HR comes into play and does the ONLY thing they're qualified to do; paperwork.

When studying basket weaving in college, and the dean calls you into the office to explain that; sorry, no offense, but you're simply too dumb to get a degree in basketweaving, however, if you switch to HR, we can graduate you magnacumlade and your career is off and running.

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Msg ID: 2814785 Human Resources +7/-13     
Author:don't blame HR
5/14/2024 11:35:37 AM

Reply to: 2814784

for your inability to be employed

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Msg ID: 2814792 Human Resources +1/-4     
Author:I have worked at quite a few places.
5/14/2024 1:41:23 PM

Reply to: 2814784

PHI, Air Methods, a utility operator, a couple smaller offshore companies and a hospital. Not one time in 20 years did I not interview with the CP, DO or at least been evaluated by an IP. The only ones that ever made the decision to hire me were in the aviation side of the house. This is not an actual problem.

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Msg ID: 2814962 Human Resources +1/-1     
5/18/2024 11:04:16 AM

Reply to: 2814792

Have you ever applied to a company that requires a minimum of Commercial with Instrument and then been turned down because you have an ATP? The reason you were turned down was because the HR person said you don't meet the minimums since you don't hold an Instrument? Yeah... that's what the OP is talking about, and yes, this has happened to me.

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Msg ID: 2814793 Human Resources +8/-5     
5/14/2024 2:04:48 PM

Reply to: 2814784

Without HR intervention, how else will a company get enough DEI hires to qualify for government subsidies and contracts? You're not considering the bottom dollar. 

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Msg ID: 2814794 Human Resources +8/-12     
5/14/2024 2:09:55 PM

Reply to: 2814793

there is no such thing as a dei subsidy. you clowns can't get hired because you're losers nobody wants around but the maga way is to blame evrybody else for your problems.

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Msg ID: 2814795 Human Resources +7/-5     
5/14/2024 2:43:24 PM

Reply to: 2814794

Actually you are wrong. The government places organizations under a "consent decree" and if the organization fails to come into, and maintain compliance, and federal funds are withheld. Also, over time DOJ will begin applying pressure. I'm a retired executive who now simply flys for the heck of it (yes, I actually like flying after sitting behind a desk for 11 years) so I know exactly how this game is played. Just go back into your office and complain about med crews.

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Msg ID: 2814796 Human Resources +1/-6     
Author:so you are the one that's wrong
5/14/2024 2:57:26 PM

Reply to: 2814795

since that is not what a subsidy is, mr. retired exec

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Msg ID: 2814797 Human Resources +4/-1     
Author:say wut
5/14/2024 3:06:56 PM

Reply to: 2814796

hr and dei are the reasons you can't get hired. lol

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Msg ID: 2814811 Human Resources +0/-2     
Author:good or bad info?
5/14/2024 10:40:39 PM

Reply to: 2814784

In deciding to hire or not, should the employer look into prospective employee's social media, or contact past co-workers (pilots, mech's, med crew, etc) if the employers unaware of the co-worker's history, falling-out's, bitterness or those co-worker's ethics or personality themselves?

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Msg ID: 2814820 Human Resources +7/-2     
Author:what’s funny is
5/15/2024 8:33:31 AM

Reply to: 2814811

all the clowns on here that have so much trouble getting work because "H.R." isn't letting their resumes get through to the right people. lol

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Msg ID: 2814868 Human Resources +0/-2     
Author:the struggle is real
5/16/2024 9:00:23 AM

Reply to: 2814820

lol wut a bunch of losers

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Msg ID: 2814891 Human Resources +4/-1     
Author:35 years
5/16/2024 7:51:51 PM

Reply to: 2814784

ago HR was born in our particular corporate structure.  The power they were given (all but one just high school graduates) was staggering.  After being told I was in line for a salary decrease I moved on to average twice the income during my 'tenure' there, at the subsequent employer.  HR is just pure beurocracy and an enormous waste of time!!  Avoid as much as possible.  Freeze them out.

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Msg ID: 2814904 Human Resources +0/-2     
Author:say wut
5/17/2024 8:15:11 AM

Reply to: 2814891

trust me on this: hr is not the ones that decide your pay. you were sent a message from management bro.

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Msg ID: 2814907 Human Resources +0/-4     
Author:this thread shows there are a lot
5/17/2024 9:51:55 AM

Reply to: 2814904

of people in denial for the real reason they have been run off or had their resume thrown in the trash. HR are not the people that make these decisions but they are the ones tasked to carry them out. it's kind of like blaming the mailman for a letter you don't want to get. 

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Msg ID: 2814913 Human Resources +0/-3     
Author:hey siri
5/17/2024 12:20:03 PM

Reply to: 2814907

show me a bunch of dumb unemployable morons that don't know what hr does

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Msg ID: 2814924 Human Resources +0/-1     
5/17/2024 5:14:08 PM

Reply to: 2814904

funny, glad ya got it all figured out with one tiny read.

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Msg ID: 2824273 Human Resources +0/-0     
Author:We can't let Houston find out
7/15/2024 2:05:34 PM

Reply to: 2814784

about this.

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