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Msg ID: 2812742 Vuichard Autorotation +5/-2     
4/26/2024 8:48:11 PM 


What am I missing here? My CFI thought me this over 30 years ago. 

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Msg ID: 2812743 Vuichard Autorotation +8/-1     
Author:Captain obvious
4/26/2024 9:02:27 PM

Reply to: 2812742

You're not missing anything. This guy is just a self promoting blowhard. 

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Msg ID: 2812746 Vuichard Autorotation +3/-1     
Author:Jimmy John
4/26/2024 10:35:58 PM

Reply to: 2812742

Not sure what the difference is, but seems the industry has lost confidence in the Vuichard SWP recovery method. My company wont talk about it, they say it is not an option.

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Msg ID: 2812748 Vuichard Autorotation +5/-5     
4/26/2024 11:56:18 PM

Reply to: 2812746

Your company is foolish!  I've been teachinhg to make a turn or do a quick decel to get out of SWP long before the "Vuichard Method."  Do the diagram yourself.  As soon as you tilt the rotor disk in any direction, it breaks up the vorticies and disrupts the recirculation.

As for the "Vuichard Auto," nothing new there.  The decel and cushion of your auto has ALWAYS been a function of your landimg area; and that will almost assuredly NEVER be over a runway or long, flat, level area.  Oh, and rotor rpm control and conserving of as much rpm as possible for touchdown and cushioning pitch has ALWAY been the priority!

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Msg ID: 2812759 Vuichard Autorotation +1/-8     
Author:Nothing New
4/27/2024 7:58:43 AM

Reply to: 2812748

The problem with his SWP method is it put stress on the tail rotor.

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Msg ID: 2813516 Vuichard Autorotation +1/-2     
4/27/2024 2:01:35 PM

Reply to: 2812759

Stress the T/R or slam into the ground trying to "fly" yourself out SWP by increasing airspeed.  By the time the average pilot figures out they're into SWP, they're pretty close to the ground.  I submit that increasing airspeed just gets you to the ground quicker, and a quick turn will disrupt the airflow through the rotor system, giving you the added power to climb away.

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Msg ID: 2813517 Vuichard Autorotation +3/-1     
Author:stress the tail rotor
4/27/2024 2:02:33 PM

Reply to: 2813516

is not a thing

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Msg ID: 2813598 Vuichard Autorotation +1/-0     
4/27/2024 4:42:54 PM

Reply to: 2812748

I wish I could have seen this video 50 years ago.  It make me think that the 2 real life touchdowns and 100's of touchdowns in training and recurrent, makes me feel I should be grateful to have survived.   

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Msg ID: 2813613 Vuichard Autorotation +3/-0     
Author:The only thing wrong
4/27/2024 7:49:54 PM

Reply to: 2812748

with, or different from what has been taught for decades, is that Vuichard advocates an increase in power.  If you are anywhere close to ACTUALLY being in SWP, you will not recover from that horrible mistake.  Most demonstrations are not close to being in SWP or VRS and would do just fine with directional flight alone.  
If you have ever experienced real live VRS in training, you know that increasi the power even slightly is a huge mistake.

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Msg ID: 2814150 Vuichard Autorotation +3/-0     
Author:SWP = 3 ingredients
4/28/2024 7:36:48 PM

Reply to: 2812748

Eliminate 1 of the 3 and you are out of it.  Pretty simple

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Msg ID: 2812749 Vuichard Autorotation +1/-0     
Author:Vuichard can chop tails off
4/27/2024 12:04:11 AM

Reply to: 2812746

in some helicopters

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Msg ID: 2812750 Vuichard Autorotation +10/-0     
4/27/2024 1:09:05 AM

Reply to: 2812742

 You aren't missing anything. Practice touchdown autos to a controlled surface have always been practiced. Coming up with a stupid name and dramatic music doesn't change anything.


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Msg ID: 2812767 Vuichard Autorotation +8/-1     
Author:Nothing new
4/27/2024 12:16:40 PM

Reply to: 2812750

Guy further up is right. Self promoter who thinks they're gods gift to aviation. his SWP tech has been used by all production long line guys since the beginning without a dumb name behind it, and a lot of people are taking his video and trying to copy it saying it's the best with no frame of reference on what it's actually doing aerodynamically or structurally to the aircraft, which has gotten many in situstions they could have avoided. 


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Msg ID: 2814190 Vuichard Autorotation +1/-0     
Author:That was me
4/29/2024 6:38:46 PM

Reply to: 2812742

I was teaching that 30 years ago as well because my CFI taught me before that. The vuichard thing is a fraud, he wasn't the first to do any of this. its Nothing special. Just another way for HAI to find something To talk about.

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