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Msg ID: 2812577 HAA pay? +3/-4     
Author:Money Bags
4/24/2024 11:14:33 AM
What's the deal with HAA companies and their pay? I now have interviewed with AMC, Med Trans, and a small operator out of Alabama. After 15 years active duty, and currently 5 years guard time. The pay I thought would be better. Med Trans - 88K no geo mod. AMC offered step B which is 89K Metro offered 91K, but gave me 5K if I don't use their medical. I thought for sure the pay would be higher. I mean a CW 4 with my years is pulling down a heck of a lot more than that, plus I don't pay for medical. What am I missing?

Msg ID: 2812582 HAA pay? +11/-3     
Author: RLO
4/24/2024 12:01:24 PM

Reply to: 2812577

You're missing that nobody cares that you are a CW4. 


Your pay is going to be based upon your total flight hours and that's pretty much it.  It does not matter where you flew those hours, only how many you have.  

Msg ID: 2812583 HAA pay? +2/-1     
Author:say wut
4/24/2024 12:02:55 PM

Reply to: 2812582

pay is based on ems experience, not hours. nobody gives a crap how many hours you have as long as you have enough

Msg ID: 2812587 HAA pay? +1/-2     
4/24/2024 12:08:04 PM

Reply to: 2812583

He's a guy with zero EMS experience so a base pay will be calculated on his total flight hours.  BTDT.

Msg ID: 2812591 HAA pay? +1/-1     
Author:no, it will not be based on hours
4/24/2024 12:14:10 PM

Reply to: 2812587

you could have 2,000 hours or 20,000 hours but with no ems experience, you're starting AT STEP TWO.

Msg ID: 2812765 HAA pay? +0/-0     
Author:I’ve got 28 years EMS
4/27/2024 11:37:43 AM

Reply to: 2812591

28 years EMS.  What do you get for that?

Msg ID: 2814113 HAA pay? +0/-0     
Author:sympathy and pity
4/28/2024 9:24:24 AM

Reply to: 2812765

that's what you get 

Msg ID: 2812585 HAA pay? +0/-2     
Author:you aren't missing anything
4/24/2024 12:06:15 PM

Reply to: 2812577

that's the pay. a geo mod and a stipend can bring it up to 110 or better but you'll need it

Msg ID: 2812588 Missing nothing. Overpaid to begin with. Your W4 status is equivalent to (NT) +3/-4     
Author:Robbie rangers out here bruh
4/24/2024 12:08:31 PM

Reply to: 2812585

Msg ID: 2812590 HAA pay? +2/-1     
Author:pay scale
4/24/2024 12:13:30 PM

Reply to: 2812585

is on your EXPERIENCE you bring...if your a 4000hrs pilot with prior or current EMS experience with Goggle time, SPIFR, 407 EMS, Astar or EC EMS....etc, yeah you will get paid more as a New Hire somewhere at a higher pay scale, then a person straight out of the army with Zero EMS experience (army medivac doesn't count).

 If you don't have any EMS experience, you will get paid on your Hours only IF you meet it....sorry CW4 thats how it works in the civilan world.....trying going to Utility...they will higher someone with Longline experience and pay them more, than someone who has Hawk time with No LongLine experieence....fact..harder to train someone on Longline work and get them carded than someone who doesnt and train them longer...

Msg ID: 2812586 HAA pay? +1/-0     
Author:there you go.....
4/24/2024 12:07:45 PM

Reply to: 2812577

throwing out the CW4 attitude...bro stay out of will self destruct walking into your base saying,  "i was a CW4 in the army ..blah blah" one cares your military career....guess what, you are a Army pilot and fly the line on the civilarn side...I am a civilian and never flew in the military and doing the same job as you bro....tells you something.....go fly OG then....MTC btw, pays more than $ bring NO EMS experience hence you are at the bottom of the food chain...i flew EMS for 10yrs with someone else and went to MTC...and got offerend $98k at the top of the pay scale for experience....your CW4 flying hawks, or apaches means nothing in the civilian world...a guy flying a 407 or astar or EC with time in it will get paid more than you....

Msg ID: 2812592 HAA pay? +5/-1     
Author:blessing in disguise
4/24/2024 12:16:54 PM

Reply to: 2812577

you now know to look elsewhere. 

if you can't do anything else, then come to EMS and embrace the suck. 

Msg ID: 2812594 HAA pay? +19/-6     
Author:First off
4/24/2024 12:28:39 PM

Reply to: 2812577

Nobody cares about your military time, it's nothing special. Maybe you should have stayed in if you loved the CW4 pay.

I'll give you advice most of you helo guys don't have the courage to take. Go get your fw ratings, be a professional, and go fly jets. Your bank account and the respect you get will go to places you never thought it would.

or you could just fly EMS, pretend you're a hero, look tough walking around in your flight suit and wearing a helmet, and tell all the med crew how amazing you are. Then waste the next 20 years coming to this stupid forum whining about your union and pay.

Your choice.

Msg ID: 2812595 HAA pay? +3/-15     
4/24/2024 12:34:35 PM

Reply to: 2812594

military time gets a lot of respect. military pilots are well trained, disciplined and good to work with. employers know this.

Msg ID: 2812621 HAA pay? +10/-3     
Author:Looked in the mirror when you said that
4/24/2024 7:35:51 PM

Reply to: 2812595

Legend in your own mind. Some of the most poorly prepared and skilled guys coming into EMS are military guys. You guys are in an echo chamber. You aren't special, at best at a deficit. Your experience doesn't mean anytbing and it's not special. Watched you guys come out of the military and take your first solo flight and look like a little puppy dog, but aren't afraid to tell us all right after your dismal performance about the Blackhawk you flew LOL

Fact remains one huge reason the pay isn't what you expect is because of YOU. You military guys take your pension and retirement (entitled to you ofcourse) and accept a substandard salary in the civi world. 

Msg ID: 2812655 BOOM! THIS! (NT) +1/-1     
4/25/2024 2:11:37 PM

Reply to: 2812621

Msg ID: 2812656 BOOM! THIS! +0/-2     
4/25/2024 2:14:21 PM

Reply to: 2812655

happy to have a job

Msg ID: 2812624 HAA pay? +4/-1     
Author:Didn't a couple of mil pilots
4/24/2024 9:19:17 PM

Reply to: 2812595

manage to get a 145 into LTE and crash a month ago?

Msg ID: 2814145 HAA pay? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Yeah...That took some doing!!!
4/28/2024 4:36:59 PM

Reply to: 2812624

Msg ID: 2812599 HAA pay? +2/-1     
4/24/2024 1:43:04 PM

Reply to: 2812594

No truer words have been said.

Msg ID: 2812602 We see you made yours being on the helicopter forum. Your advice? (NT) +0/-3     
Author:Don’t be you…got it.
4/24/2024 3:05:52 PM

Reply to: 2812594

Msg ID: 2812622 We see you made yours being on the helicopter forum. Your advice? +2/-2     
Author:I come here for entertainment
4/24/2024 7:38:30 PM

Reply to: 2812602

I enjoy coming here to remind myself I'll never work for an EMS or offshore company etc. ever again and will never find myself needing to. 

Msg ID: 2814417 HAA pay? +0/-0     
5/5/2024 5:07:40 PM

Reply to: 2812594

Go get your fw ratings, be a professional, and go fly jets. Your bank account and the respect you get will go to places you never thought it would.

Best advise I've read on this forum, unfortunately, your average helicopter pilot isn't motivated or smart enough to meet requirements necessary to fly the airlines. 

Msg ID: 2812597 don't feed (NT) +1/-1     
Author:the Troll
4/24/2024 1:07:51 PM

Reply to: 2812577

Msg ID: 2812608 HAA pay? +1/-2     
Author:Wheeler Dealer
4/24/2024 4:17:15 PM

Reply to: 2812577

Most companies play hardball and will let you walk before they give you the top of the pay scale as a new hire. Med Trans base range is from $85.5k to $93.5k

One guy was offered $87k at Metro and walked out of the interview in Shreveport  dissappointed after flying accross the country to get there. Before he got to the airport they called him with $102k which included $5k for health insurance that he didn't need.

Sometimes the hospital is kicking in additional $$ to get the best candidates, so you got to do your research. Try and visit a base and ask about what others got. Then go in knowing how low you will go. Sometimes its best to give them a number before you go to the interview so you don't waste anybodys time.

Good Luck with the job hunt.

Msg ID: 2812610 HAA pay? +1/-2     
4/24/2024 4:37:11 PM

Reply to: 2812608

The army is desperate for bodies, go back and get as much Active Duty as you can.

Msg ID: 2812609 HAA pay? +2/-3     
4/24/2024 4:30:29 PM

Reply to: 2812577

after a lifetime of living in and making a living from a socialist system, which is what the military really is, and a lifetime of cheerleading for capitalism, you are now being confronted with the realities of what capitalism is,what capitalism does, and how it does it. and you b * t c  h  and moan. Reap it, baby. 

Msg ID: 2812665 HAA pay? +0/-1     
Author:Relax Francis
4/25/2024 3:27:35 PM

Reply to: 2812609

We all get it, you're not confident in yourself.

Msg ID: 2812716 HAA pay? +0/-1     
4/26/2024 12:15:28 PM

Reply to: 2812609

kinda missed ya, mouse. work release?

Msg ID: 2812688 HAA pay? +2/-2     
4/25/2024 8:54:26 PM

Reply to: 2812577

aren't missing much h other than military flying is not civil flying.  No one cares about your military time.  Your usefulness in civil aviation is in how you know what to do and when to do it in civil interests.  That is not taught in the military environment.  There's a learning curve.  Good luck.

Msg ID: 2812692 HAA pay? +0/-1     
Author:It's a dead end sector
4/26/2024 2:11:44 AM

Reply to: 2812577

25 years in EMS. My wonderful base pay after all these years is about 128k. 


This airplane craze is worth the gamble. 

It's a no brainer.

Msg ID: 2812738 HAA pay? +1/-1     
Author:There's a million open bases
4/26/2024 7:53:05 PM

Reply to: 2812692

Ask for a raise. Unless you're union then quit and reapply at a higher step or something I dunno sucks to be you.

Msg ID: 2814131 HAA pay? +0/-0     
Author:If you really want to
4/28/2024 12:57:51 PM

Reply to: 2812577

level the field check how helicopter pilot pay in buying power, aka inflation, has largely been eroded over the last 50 years.  It's a fun exercise and will really help everyone's decision making.

Msg ID: 2814187 HAA pay? +0/-1     
4/29/2024 6:24:42 PM

Reply to: 2812577

It is centric around three major factors:  How many paying people [pax] the aircraft is loaded with for reimbursement;

The HAA position as a compliment to the retired military pilots who have a [well earned] lifetime retirement.  Most of those guys will work for next to nothing so they can still fly.  That brings the salaries down for everyone.  The operators I have seen don't or won't recognize that although our profession is pretty cool, it is still used to make a living and take care of our families; and

Those operators who believe that piloting their aircraft is somehow an extraordinary privilege, rather than providing the high salary and respect to professional pilots who have worked hard and earned it. 

Been in HAA since the late 80's and not only do operators not pay a livable salary [in most cases] they don't even come close to meeting just the COL adjustments.  The old saying, "I have a stack of resumes' on my desk, so I really don't care if you quit..." is still alive and well.



Msg ID: 2814235 HAA pay? +0/-0     
Author:say wut
4/30/2024 3:50:19 PM

Reply to: 2814187

they don't have a stack of resumes. you may notice all the open postions

Msg ID: 2814251 HAA pay? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:It is an analogy...
5/1/2024 8:34:15 AM

Reply to: 2814235

Msg ID: 2814273 HAA pay? +0/-0     
Author:wut is it supposed to be
5/2/2024 5:02:04 AM

Reply to: 2814251

analogous to. 
