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Msg ID: 2811251 PHI Health Motto........... +9/-1     
Author:Employs the most talented ,........
4/5/2024 2:08:05 PM

experienced and dedicated workforce in the air medical industry

Really Means

We dont want experience, we will run you off and get the cheapest people available


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Msg ID: 2811255 PHI Health Motto........... +1/-2     
4/5/2024 3:55:59 PM

Reply to: 2811251

Too bad you didn't have your sheet together when you went for your interview.

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Msg ID: 2811260 PHI Health Motto........... (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Hey hummer, you swallow or spit
4/5/2024 7:21:53 PM

Reply to: 2811255

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Msg ID: 2811256 PHI Health Motto........... +0/-1     
4/5/2024 3:56:15 PM

Reply to: 2811251

Too bad you didn't have your sheet together when you went for your interview.

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Msg ID: 2811268 PHI Health Motto........... +0/-1     
4/6/2024 12:33:53 AM

Reply to: 2811256

Yes, why?

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Msg ID: 2811270 PHI Health Motto........... (NT) +0/-1     
Author:you'll be a manager soon
4/6/2024 5:58:32 AM

Reply to: 2811268

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