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Msg ID: 2806546 pilot cant stop talking on radio +16/-2     
3/2/2024 1:25:43 PM

Guess I am old and grumpy but man some of these pilots and their constant talking on the radio. Non of it is safety related and most of it is pure stupidity. Calling approach with their ID, then calling again with their request, then repeating the reply, then calling to say they recieved the reply from approach again. Brevity pilots, what happened to brevity and limiting calls to those required/needed? Lack of knowledge and basic pilot skills

Msg ID: 2806547 This the new woke. Mindless blabermouths. (NT) +3/-2     
Author:Just Steve
3/2/2024 1:56:49 PM

Reply to: 2806546

Msg ID: 2806548 Breaker 19, Breaker 19, How about it skipland, Skydog here. Ya'll (NT) +5/-1     
Author:got your ears on? Skydog standing by
3/2/2024 1:59:23 PM

Reply to: 2806546

Msg ID: 2806551 Breaker 19, Breaker 19, How about it skipland, Skydog here. Ya'll +4/-1     
Author:Older tha Jc
3/2/2024 2:41:55 PM

Reply to: 2806548

How about less message/ writing on this forum

Msg ID: 2806553 pilot cant stop talking on radio +4/-2     
3/2/2024 4:45:39 PM

Reply to: 2806546

You don't understand that most "younger" pilots have the mentality that they are the most important person and the center of everyone's's the way their parents raised them sad to say. 

Msg ID: 2806557 pilot cant stop talking on radio +1/-0     
Author:Heli pilot
3/2/2024 6:12:58 PM

Reply to: 2806553

Sadly, I agree.   Maybe they just don't know any better. Should, at this level...

Msg ID: 2806571 pilot cant stop talking on radio +1/-2     
Author:Gen Z
3/2/2024 11:27:57 PM

Reply to: 2806553

Yep, because we're better than anyonce else of course.

Msg ID: 2806558 pilot cant stop talking on radio +1/-3     
Author:Ems unicom abuse
3/2/2024 6:25:35 PM

Reply to: 2806546

EMS pilots routinely abuse this. They are so bored out of their minds they make calls 20nm out from a hospital. Sometimes further out. Even though nobody cares and it isn't interesting to anyone, they still do it. The other night i heard a 50 nm call. Get a job. 

Msg ID: 2806572 2 miles a minute. That's 10 minutes to get your butt cranked up (NT) +1/-2     
Author:and off the pad so I can use it!
3/3/2024 12:17:26 AM

Reply to: 2806558

Msg ID: 2806621 pilot cant stop talking on radio +1/-2     
Author:nobody made a 50 call
3/4/2024 3:22:09 AM

Reply to: 2806558

that never happened 

Msg ID: 2806622 pilot cant stop talking on radio +0/-1     
Author:those darn kids
3/4/2024 3:54:20 AM

Reply to: 2806621

we never had these radio problems until now

Msg ID: 2806627 There's a children's hospital that keeps it's helicopter on the roof & need +1/-2     
Author:a call to rouse the pilot to move it
3/4/2024 8:40:24 AM

Reply to: 2806621

I've often called 50 miles out (25 minutes out) to ensure there's plenty of time for them to get that done!

Msg ID: 2806633 There's a children's hospital that keeps it's helicopter on the roof & need +1/-2     
Author:no dumb idea
3/4/2024 9:48:26 AM

Reply to: 2806627

call your comm center for that sort of stuff. that's what they are there for.

Msg ID: 2806636 why? when I can talk to them directly on their licensed MULTICOM? (NT) +0/-2     
Author:takes the middlemen out of the loop!
3/4/2024 10:58:20 AM

Reply to: 2806633

Msg ID: 2806741 why? when I can talk to them directly on their licensed MULTICOM? +0/-0     
Author:you aint talking to nobody
3/5/2024 9:20:43 PM

Reply to: 2806636

when you 50 miles away

Msg ID: 2806832 Sure you can! +0/-0     
Author:I've have!
3/7/2024 12:49:21 PM

Reply to: 2806741

Sure you can!


                                    POOR           AVERAGE         EXCELLENT
Transmitter power →→→→            5w 10w 25w     5w 10w 25w       5w 10w 25w

                   2,000 ft     -----20-----    -----40-----     -----45-----
                   5,000 ft     -----30-----    -----70-----     -----80-----
                  10,000 ft     -----50-----    ----110-----     ----120-----
                  20,000 ft       60 80 10      120 170 200       30 180 220


Table 1: Communications Ranges—Base Station to Aircraft (miles)

Msg ID: 2806635 pilot cant stop talking on radio +1/-2     
3/4/2024 10:26:31 AM

Reply to: 2806558

Maybe... Just maybe, and hear me out here. They are aware there is another helicopter coming in or going out and they are trying to make calls to spur them into making a call so they can coordinate?
