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Msg ID: 2805871 Creative crew rest. +0/-5     
2/22/2024 10:53:37 AM

Pilots should know when their crew rest begins and when it ends when they are released from duty.

If a pilot can be recalled after an early release, he or she is, or should be, still on duty. This would be fine if everyone understood that the next duty period crew rest began at least at the end of the current required lookback. An unsafe operator will consider the release time as the start of required crew rest for the next lookback. With likely retribution, this proves problematic for the pilot that fails to answer his or her telephone. This imposition is absurd with a minimum crew rest turn time.

This unsafe loophole is compounded when the pilot is given a subsequent late show as often happens on the last day of rotation. If the time between the release time and the show time is substantially more than the required crew rest period, with an unsafe operator, it’s anybody’s guess as to when crew rest begins and ends. If a pilot chooses to commence crew rest looking back from the show time for the next duty cycle, the unsafe operator can call and impose an earlier show time at the end of the last duty cycle. The effectively prevents a pilot from getting any sleep during the phantom, here it is, here it isn’t, crew rest period.

This crew rest shell game needs to stop.

Msg ID: 2805872 Creative crew rest. +2/-1     
2/22/2024 10:55:53 AM

Reply to: 2805871

You just made me very tired with that statement , I am going to need at least 10 hours to recover. 

Msg ID: 2805873 Creative crew rest. +1/-2     
Author:I have no idea
2/22/2024 11:05:51 AM

Reply to: 2805871

wut you're talking about bro

Msg ID: 2805874 Creative crew rest. +1/-1     
Author:Not EMS obviously
2/22/2024 11:20:59 AM

Reply to: 2805871

Do ems pilots have anything else to worry about? Golly grow up read the reg and start arguing about it.

Msg ID: 2805875 Regulations "the reg" allow for loopholes as outlined. (NT) +0/-1     
2/22/2024 11:43:12 AM

Reply to: 2805874

Msg ID: 2805882 No, they don't... (NT) +0/-1     
Author:so easy a caveman could do it.
2/22/2024 12:57:36 PM

Reply to: 2805875

Msg ID: 2805883 Yes, they do… +0/-1     
Author:so easy a caveman could do it.
2/22/2024 1:16:29 PM

Reply to: 2805882

You can be forgiven for your inability to understand. It's my fault for not simplifying it enough. I'll try.

Distilling the main points:

1. A pilot should know when his or her crew rest begins before it begins.

2. A pilot should not be subject to recall during that crew rest period.

Msg ID: 2805886 Yes, they do… +0/-1     
Author:ok thanks for that
2/22/2024 1:45:32 PM

Reply to: 2805883

have a nice day bye

Msg ID: 2805973 Yes, they do… +1/-1     
2/23/2024 10:54:12 AM

Reply to: 2805883

"being" subject to recall is itself a state of 'being on duty'.  If you are on mandatory Federal crew rest you are untouchable save perhaps one short phone call from your employer, or so it has been enacted.

Msg ID: 2805887 There are no loopholes in the regulation! +1/-1     
Author:Rest is rest, and what you described
2/22/2024 1:46:38 PM

Reply to: 2805871

is not rest.  Therefore, it can't be counted as rest.


If you are obligated to the company to work or be called to work at any time (beeper duty, pager duty, stanby duty, whatever), you are not on a rest period.   You don't have to call it "duty".   You have to call it "rest" for it to be useful.   The regs clearly say that you must be able to look back 24 hrs from your planned landing time and be able to show 10 hrs of continuous REST in that 24 hour period.

So, if your certificate holder sends you home, whether for pay or not, and tells you you need to be on-call to come back in, you are not on rest and can't use that time period towards your need for 10 in 24.

For you to be on a REST period, the certificate holder must release you with no obligations to be at their beck and call.   If they send you home and tell you that you are obligated to begin answering your phone again after 10 hours (or whatever hours), you rest ended at that time.

You can be on duty, on call, on beeper duty, etc, for as long as forever.   But, you can't FLY a Part 135 flight if you can't look back and show 10 hours free of all constraint in the last 24.


So, what that means is, you can be on call as a pilot for 24/7 for a whole week.  And, for them to use you, they will have to call you and put you on a rest period of at least 10 hours to have you THEN come off of a rest period.   That will reset your clock to limit you to another look back requirement.

You are not limited to a 14 hour duty day.   You are limited from flying under Part 135 rules if you can't show a 10 hr rest period in the 24 hrs look back from your reasonably planned landing time (not your planned duty off time).

Msg ID: 2805890 Thank you! +0/-1     
2/22/2024 1:58:10 PM

Reply to: 2805887

Thank you for the lucid response. The troll worked.

The dispatchers and management at, at least, one operator need to read this.

Msg ID: 2805902 Creative crew rest. +0/-1     
Author:from crew
2/22/2024 3:12:13 PM

Reply to: 2805871

shut up and fly

Msg ID: 2805912 Creative crew rest. +1/-1     
Author:we haven't played the crew rest game
2/22/2024 4:43:14 PM

Reply to: 2805902

for a while. always a crowd favorite

Msg ID: 2805933 Next week…The perils of Part 91 repositioning. +0/-1     
2/22/2024 6:25:19 PM

Reply to: 2805912

Shortly thereafter, a discussion on circadian rhythms...

Msg ID: 2805942 Part 91, no restrictions (NT) +0/-2     
2/22/2024 8:11:03 PM

Reply to: 2805933

Msg ID: 2805970 Yes, that's one of the perils. (NT) +1/-1     
2/23/2024 9:51:09 AM

Reply to: 2805942

Msg ID: 2805984 a lot of pilots use it to get home instead of having to overnight  +0/-1     
Author:somewhere and lose a day off!
2/23/2024 12:56:53 PM

Reply to: 2805970
which the have been doing safely for at least 5 decades!

Msg ID: 2805989 a lot of pilots use it to get home instead of having to overnight  +0/-1     
Author:use what
2/23/2024 2:02:58 PM

Reply to: 2805984

wut we been doing safely for 50 years

Msg ID: 2806080 tail-end Part 91 ops (NT) +0/-1     
2/24/2024 7:39:06 PM

Reply to: 2805989
