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Msg ID: 2805729 Life Choices +36/-10     
2/19/2024 11:34:47 PM

Msg ID: 2805734 Life Choices (NT) +6/-2     
Author:amen brother
2/20/2024 12:17:09 AM

Reply to: 2805729

Msg ID: 2805742 Life Choices +8/-10     
2/20/2024 10:04:01 AM

Reply to: 2805729

Name a job- anywhere- where you can work as little as 180 days and get free healthcare (if you want to call it that) for life.  All you have to do is not accomplish anything (in other words, be poor enough to qualify).  I am a 25 year military retiree and it sickens me to walk into a VA and see all the "war heros" in their for their free stuff.  They are no better than the other welfare types.

Msg ID: 2805743 Life Choices +3/-5     
Author:health care is now considered
2/20/2024 10:18:07 AM

Reply to: 2805742

free stuff. they should be denied health care since they don't deserve it! this is your brain on maga

Msg ID: 2805748 Life Choices +3/-5     
Author:did you know
2/20/2024 11:02:07 AM

Reply to: 2805742

that most advanced countries offer their citizens heath care free at birth. it's true. now tell me about all the canadians complaining about how they don't like their health care. take it away from them and have a system like in the us and you will have rioting in the streets in canada, not complaining. 

Msg ID: 2805751 Life Choices +6/-3     
Author:Canadian sickout
2/20/2024 1:27:46 PM

Reply to: 2805748

 Hmmm... you really should take a look at the quality and actual availability of Canadian health care. Many typical prescriptions in the US are not approved for payment by the Canadian government. While prescribed, they are expensive out-of-pocket for Canadians. 
  Non emergency surgeries, say torn rotator cuff. One can expect about 18 months for approval. Yep, that surgery was out of my wallet.

Msg ID: 2805753 Life Choices +1/-4     
2/20/2024 1:36:41 PM

Reply to: 2805751

you paid for it yourself lol you probably have a girlfriend nobody has met since she lives in canada 

Msg ID: 2805773 Life Choices +2/-2     
2/20/2024 10:25:10 PM

Reply to: 2805753

Hey smart a-z-z, my 83 year old mother is French Canadian and I have a fair number of relatives up north.  They all say pretty much the same thing.  "Yeah, free, but not very available or convienient."  They'd much prefer the USA system.  BTW, it's better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt! 

Msg ID: 2805777 Life Choices +2/-1     
Author:Oh, the canuks
2/20/2024 11:25:08 PM

Reply to: 2805748

are paying dearly for that "free" healthcare. 

Msg ID: 2805760 Life Choices +2/-15     
2/20/2024 3:57:12 PM

Reply to: 2805742

Yoy don't know their sound like a jealous b@itch

100% VA rating

Retired CW5

13 years EMS

No Ex wives...Man I Love the 1st of the Month!

Msg ID: 2805762 Life Choices +13/-2     
2/20/2024 4:16:55 PM

Reply to: 2805760

Damn sir, do a lot of heavy lifting to get that 100%? Or did your lawyer do most of it?

Msg ID: 2805764 Life Choices +2/-10     
2/20/2024 4:29:36 PM

Reply to: 2805762

More deployments and combat hours than you have on your Xbox kid. 

Msg ID: 2805770 Life Choices +12/-3     
Author:Retired W-4
2/20/2024 8:25:03 PM

Reply to: 2805764

If you are indeed 100% disABLEd, then you are clearly not ABLE to earn six digits flying. Either you are ABLE to qualify for a class-1/2 medical OR you legitimately qualify for 100% disability. If you have both, one is obtained dishonestly.

Msg ID: 2805772 Life Choices +3/-1     
2/20/2024 9:03:49 PM

Reply to: 2805770

Except for the fact not everyone qualifies to join the military. I don't. I tried knowing full well I dont. So, yes. Wish I could have been able to secure a pension and move into the civilian world after.

Msg ID: 2805774 Life Choices +4/-8     
2/20/2024 10:35:29 PM

Reply to: 2805770

Not at all true my unknowledgable fellow veteran.  I'm 100% P & T, have been for many years.  The FAA is very aware of that.  I answered all FAA Form 8500-8 questions honestly and completely.  None of my VA rated disabilities are medically disqualifying for the FAA.  I've continued to keep the FAA informed of those issues for almost 15 years now, and have never had a problem getting either a 1st or 2nd Class medical.  There have been a few occasions where I needed to get the my Medical Examiner some VA records, but it has NEVER stopped me for getting a Medical Certificate.

Msg ID: 2805794 There's the difference  +4/-4     
Author:Right there
2/21/2024 9:33:17 AM

Reply to: 2805774
When vets follow the policies that allow them to get benefits and double dip paychecks they're A-ok. When any other civilians follow the policies that allow them any form of government assistance, they're parasites.

Msg ID: 2805802 How about a little cheese (NT) +2/-1     
Author:with your whine?
2/21/2024 11:55:25 AM

Reply to: 2805794

Msg ID: 2805820 How about a little cheese  +0/-1     
Author:haven't heard that zinger
2/21/2024 2:43:22 PM

Reply to: 2805802

since 1991

Msg ID: 2805834 um, because vet's worked for those benefits? (NT) +1/-0     
Author:suppose that's the difference?
2/21/2024 5:14:00 PM

Reply to: 2805794

Msg ID: 2806321 There's the difference  +1/-0     
Author:It’s hard, I know
2/27/2024 11:45:48 PM

Reply to: 2805794

but one set of policies require you to earn them, the other set of policies is for parasites. 

Msg ID: 2805805 Life Choices +1/-5     
Author:X CWO
2/21/2024 12:22:58 PM

Reply to: 2805762

The VA makes it damd difficult to get a substantial rating.  The process is long, confusing and cumbersume.  I expect that is by design.  I'm 100% and didn't use a "lawyer" to get there.  I did join the DAV and used their Service Officers.  Most of those folks really know their stuff, and how to work within the VA's system to make things happen.  Not all of them,but most of them.  and, it took me the better part of 10 years working with the DAV to get from the VA what the DAV said I was legitimately entitled and qualified to get.  So, your insinuation that we vets are playing the system is just wrong, not to mention insulting.

BTW, I'm also collecting Social Security Disability too.  3 independant doctors, to include the SSA's own medical examiner said I was totally disabled and could not reasonably hold a job.  That process took 2 years itself and is a completely different system with different criteria tha the VA.  After dealing with the VA I did contract with a lawyer for that process.

Say what you want, but I have a wife and two kids to provide for.  I did what I had to do to and don't apologize for taking advantage of the systems set up for people just like me.  Not to mention I paid into SS for decades so it's NOT like I'm getting someting I didn't pay for or earn.  AS for the VA, like the original meme said, that recruiting office was OPEN to EVERYBODY.  I think we vets EARNED everything we're getting from the VA! 


Msg ID: 2805819 Life Choices +1/-1     
Author:Well Deserved
2/21/2024 2:40:58 PM

Reply to: 2805805

I'm glad you are being taken care of. Are you still flying? I think that is everyone"s biggest gripe...people on 100% disabilty who are still doing the same job they did that caused them to be disabled. This goes for everone, not just vets. Plenty of folks out there getting free money, Federal, State, Local and Corporate, who really aren't disabled.

Msg ID: 2805836 What bothers me to no end is when a union takes money from me to give to +0/-3     
Author:someone else making "life choices"
2/21/2024 5:34:35 PM

Reply to: 2805805

A pilot, not married, and no children, pays dues to the union that turns it around to provide "benefits" to others with children and spouses.  I chose not to have kids and a spouse, but I'm extra paying for it anyway.   

Same with just about all the "benefits" the union provides that isn't directly related to negotiations and contract enforcement.


Should the company pay a pilot more for each dependant s/he has?  How about a dog?  If you have a dog, you get vet "benefits".  Etc, etc....


Msg ID: 2805839 Who the hell was talking about Unions? (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Talk to a Therapist
2/21/2024 6:01:33 PM

Reply to: 2805836

Msg ID: 2805840 What bothers me to no end is when a union takes money from me to give to +0/-1     
2/21/2024 6:10:17 PM

Reply to: 2805836

A pilot, not married, and no children, pays dues to the union that turns it around to provide "benefits" to others with children and spouses.  I chose not to have kids and a spouse, but I'm extra paying for it anyway.   

Same with just about all the "benefits" the union provides that isn't directly related to negotiations and contract enforcement.


Should the company pay a pilot more for each dependant s/he has?  How about a dog?  If you have a dog, you get vet "benefits".  Etc, etc....

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but doesn't the company pay for the majority of the cost of those benefits?

Msg ID: 2805850 Do you, as a union member, get a pension from the union? (NT) +0/-1     
Author:(it's a loaded question, so you know)
2/21/2024 9:58:26 PM

Reply to: 2805840

Msg ID: 2805842 What bothers me to no end is when a union takes money from me to give to +0/-1     
Author:something tells me
2/21/2024 6:32:07 PM

Reply to: 2805836

it wasn't your choice bro

Msg ID: 2806256 Nope. But you pay MORE if you have those things for insurance and benefits (NT) +0/-0     
Author:At your company. Samesies
2/27/2024 8:32:00 AM

Reply to: 2805836

Msg ID: 2806032 Life Choices +0/-0     
2/24/2024 12:51:22 AM

Reply to: 2805760
Bro. Why even work? You won't live longer enjoy any kind of retirement. You have enough hopefully.
