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Msg ID: 2805330 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +2/-6     
Author:Doesn’t add up
2/14/2024 2:20:58 PM

Every single HEMS jock in here says they've been in HEMS for 25 years and had this blah blah blah. You're all smoking crack. Joke of a sector.

Msg ID: 2805331 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +6/-1     
Author:I actually believe him
2/14/2024 2:26:25 PM

Reply to: 2805330

If you work alot of overtime and you do the 401catchup, you can achive these numbers

It would be hard if your family was in another state, but if you got a contract in your hometown, Hell Yea

Msg ID: 2805368 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-1     
Author:I actually don’t believe him
2/15/2024 3:09:53 AM

Reply to: 2805331

I actually believe you are the same guy. The whole perfect little story is a bunch of bullsh*t.

Msg ID: 2805509 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-1     
Author:You just
2/17/2024 8:43:26 AM

Reply to: 2805368

don't believe YOU can be as successful. 

Msg ID: 2805336 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-2     
2/14/2024 3:51:11 PM

Reply to: 2805330

Yikes!! Delta said it will pay a 1.4 billion profit sharing bonus to their employees, more or less about 5 weeks pay.

Msg ID: 2805340 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +7/-1     
Author:401K guru
2/14/2024 5:08:59 PM

Reply to: 2805330

Put 15% in your 401K for 30 years and you will have $2 - $3 mil. No surprise.

Msg ID: 2805344 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +1/-1     
Author:I agree, I went high risk, but
2/14/2024 5:21:09 PM

Reply to: 2805340

dont look at it when the market drops like it did the other day, You will go crazy

Msg ID: 2805418 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +1/-1     
2/15/2024 5:41:57 PM

Reply to: 2805340

Been maxing mine for a few years now.....I dont know if I'm pessimisstic but I'm not seeing the $2 million mark happening before I die.

Msg ID: 2805341 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-1     
Author:Its about your behavior
2/14/2024 5:09:00 PM

Reply to: 2805330

If you spend like a teenager, HEMS won't be enough. If you focus like an adult, it will be plenty. Google compounding interest. You're welcome. 

Msg ID: 2805355 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +1/-1     
Author:25+ years of 401k max plus catch-up
2/14/2024 7:43:30 PM

Reply to: 2805330

1990s were pretty rough. Base salary was only 40K. The money only got better after the gomex went union.

Trust me, there are many haa guys, aka hems, who did quite well with side work and off duty earnings. Real estate. Corp per diem. Aircraft brokering. Etc.

Msg ID: 2805365 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-1     
2/14/2024 10:13:42 PM

Reply to: 2805355

1994 Base salary was 30k for me. was up to 40k by Y2K,  OT was 1.25   401k match was 25 cents per $1 up to 5%  

Basket of investment choices was no bueno until the last 10-15 years.  

Msg ID: 2805423 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-1     
2/15/2024 6:08:05 PM

Reply to: 2805355

Did two weeks HEMS work and didn't like it.  Did my time over water both states side and overseas.  That along with mil retirement and 401K was a great combo.  Retired and doing well.

Msg ID: 2805367 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +1/-1     
Author:Takes a
2/14/2024 11:39:31 PM

Reply to: 2805330

joke to know one.  We're all proud of you though!!  No worries.

Msg ID: 2805372 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +2/-2     
Author:Old CJ guy
2/15/2024 6:33:07 AM

Reply to: 2805367

In 2006 I was making $40,000 a year flying for CJ.  I have had a 237% increase in my base pay since then.

If you account for inflation, I have had an 84.6% increase in pay since starting, which comes out to an approximate 4.6% increase in pay per year.  


Compared to a lot of other industries, the EMS world is honsetly not too bad, especially if you have a monthly check coming from Uncle Sam.

Msg ID: 2805501 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +3/-1     
2/17/2024 7:10:27 AM

Reply to: 2805372

thinking but stretch your research back to the seventies when helicopter pilots were plentiful and paid a wage that wouldn't come close to supporting a small family.  Obviously I was one of them.  Things improved but not flying for operators, had to go corporate.  In today's dollars salaries then were in the 300 - 450k range.  Yeup, fact!  Moral of the story is it's all about purchasing power which has eroded significantly in the last 30 years even in the corporate sector.  

Msg ID: 2805667 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-0     
2/18/2024 6:02:07 PM

Reply to: 2805372

AMC buyout worked well for you.  

Msg ID: 2805985 All you “25 years” HEMS fellas +0/-0     
2/23/2024 1:22:54 PM

Reply to: 2805330

one to know one.  Guess you had an unsuccessful go in the HAA sector as well.
