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Msg ID: 2805308 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +9/-1     
Author:Stay AWAY! Far away!
2/14/2024 8:55:07 AM

No vacation. No overtime. Tons of travel. No ability to turn down an unreasonable or unavailable shift. No ACCRA bonus like Pool Pilots. No Rental cars. Mandatory base housing in the ghetto. working a 9 on and 5 off just like a Pool Pilot, but WITHOUT all the pay benefits. AMC has managed to completely destory one of the best positions in the industry in less 6 months. As a long time relief pilot and supporter of AMC, AVOID this position if you want a travel gig or a foot in the door job take the Pool Pilot job! More money. Better quality of life.  

Msg ID: 2805309 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +6/-3     
2/14/2024 9:28:28 AM

Reply to: 2805308

Someone wanting the job to build hours or already has a retirement check coming in will take it.

Some things will never change and never will. 

Msg ID: 2805313 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +3/-1     
Author:say wut
2/14/2024 10:05:11 AM

Reply to: 2805309

yeah, take a relief pilot job to build hours lol

Msg ID: 2805317 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
2/14/2024 11:24:00 AM

Reply to: 2805313

Yep when it's all you can get or want. You know who they are. 

Msg ID: 2805346 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
2/14/2024 6:14:24 PM

Reply to: 2805309

Man, come up to the PCNW...we got nice cottages, get you a rental car, no ghettos. Nice new housing, maybe get a flight to Seattle...Summer is the best time of year, this time of year not much flying due to weather but all bases...errr...most bases are nice. We've got one iffy but not in bad location or ghetto.

Msg ID: 2805315 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +3/-1     
2/14/2024 10:33:47 AM

Reply to: 2805308

Can confirm. Years ago it was a sweet gig. They ruined it.

Msg ID: 2805329 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
2/14/2024 1:25:39 PM

Reply to: 2805315

How does this compare with  MTS relief pilots. 

Shoul I apply or forget it?

Msg ID: 2805342 AVOID the air methods relief pilot job! most of is ate bailing now with (NT) +1/-1     
Author:the new rules
2/14/2024 5:09:10 PM

Reply to: 2805329

Msg ID: 2805345 Metro is hiring .... Just saying.... +0/-4     
Author:Make the switch.
2/14/2024 6:07:44 PM

Reply to: 2805308

Metro is great, you will love it!

Msg ID: 2805373 Metro is hiring .... Just saying.... +0/-1     
2/15/2024 6:44:51 AM

Reply to: 2805345

What is the difference between an AMC pool pilot and a relief pilot?


AEL has Strike Team pilots that move from base to base and get paid pretty darn well.  MTC has float pilots that make a good deal of money now too compared to base pay.  

Msg ID: 2805376 Once you said AMC. YOU LOST ME  +0/-1     
2/15/2024 7:45:52 AM

Reply to: 2805373

A lot of pilots not liking the new pay scale 

Msg ID: 2805399 Once you said AMC. YOU LOST ME  +0/-0     
2/15/2024 1:47:02 PM

Reply to: 2805376

"A lot of pilots not liking the new pay scale"

One will never have a company wide pay scale that makes everybody happy. The company will want to reduce the cost of employment while bringing the best people on board. Unfortunately, the 'economic' side of that issue will most likely determine the outcome. the result is that people will always believe they are underpaid, but integrity demands that one do the best job possible, exceeding minimum requirements, whenever possible.

Even when the individual is able to actually negotiates personal compensation, some compromises will be made. The employer always has more options and brings more power to the company negotiation. This is exactly where a union is most beneficial, the company will have competent legal advice and, likely, better knowledge of the industry job situation. A pilot union can enable some equality in the process although it will never remove or balance the 'personal side' in that. You want that job, the company knows that and they know there are other candidates. The people making the decision are as susceptible to mistakes, prejudice, as any human being.

In the end, an unsatisfactory contract is motivation to move. If you're not prepared to do that, you are negotiating from a position of weakness and you will not get the best contract possible.

Msg ID: 2805429 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
Author:Back in the Day
2/15/2024 7:26:41 PM

Reply to: 2805308

Definately ruined it....back in the day the relief pilot would get special treatment from the DO and it was amazing.

Msg ID: 2805431 back in what day? give us a reference point (NT) +0/-1     
2/15/2024 7:35:36 PM

Reply to: 2805429

Msg ID: 2805432 What are the new rules? (NT) +0/-2     
2/15/2024 7:41:49 PM

Reply to: 2805308

Msg ID: 2805442 What are the new rules? +0/-1     
2/15/2024 9:40:15 PM

Reply to: 2805432

Literally lined it out dumdum

Msg ID: 2805459 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
Author:Are you speaking of
2/16/2024 9:21:06 AM

Reply to: 2805308

Are you a regional relief, per diem, or something else?  I thought Pool pilots were pretty much relief pilots.

Msg ID: 2805464 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
Author:they are not
2/16/2024 10:34:14 AM

Reply to: 2805459

the same thing

Msg ID: 2805465 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
Author:No they're not
2/16/2024 11:47:31 AM

Reply to: 2805464

Regional relief generally stays in one region or even programs.

Per diem, works for a daily rate, 1099, and normally only for a program specific and sometimes for multiple programs in a region.

Pool pilots go anywhere and work a normal schedule, 7 on 7 off.

Msg ID: 2805470 Worst HAA job is Relief Pilot at AMC under the ‘new rules’  +0/-1     
Author:Float pilots
2/16/2024 1:22:31 PM

Reply to: 2805465

Float around. Water is wet fire is hot and line pilots fly the line. Regional managers manage a region. Almost like the job description is in the name. 
