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Msg ID: 2804417 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +2/-12     
Author:and here is why
1/30/2024 6:48:52 PM

You have time to sit around and post on this forum instead of being out working.....You should be paid by the flight hour and only raises based on management and clinical input. Glorified taxi cab drivers with autopilot and all those fancy thingys you got......wouldnt hack it in back in the day.

Msg ID: 2804420 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +0/-2     
Author:and what's even better than that
1/30/2024 7:12:26 PM

Reply to: 2804417

we keep getting raises and bonuses, too!

Msg ID: 2804427 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +1/-3     
1/30/2024 8:11:21 PM

Reply to: 2804420

Your hilarious 

Msg ID: 2804428 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +4/-2     
1/30/2024 8:15:48 PM

Reply to: 2804427

it's you're bro. lol

Msg ID: 2804429 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +0/-0     
1/30/2024 8:23:56 PM

Reply to: 2804428

Nice catch!



Thier, There...

Got it thanks!

Msg ID: 2804437 I got my MBA while sitting around getting paid to be a +1/-2     
Author:HMS pilot! What a gig! And....
1/30/2024 10:07:08 PM

Reply to: 2804417

... I'm still complainign I don't get paid enough!

Msg ID: 2804439 You should be paid by the duty-hour! Not a "salary" divided by yearly +0/-2     
Author:hrs based on 12 hour shifts!
1/30/2024 10:11:56 PM

Reply to: 2804417

Our pay rates should simply be advertised/bargained/stated in wage-per-duty-hour!


These contracts are so discombobulated calling it a "salary", and then trying to pare it down to a per/hr wage.   Make it what it really is - a wage per duty hour!

Msg ID: 2804560 You should be paid by the duty-hour! Not a "salary" divided by yearly +0/-1     
Author:Well, if you’re
1/31/2024 8:12:01 PM

Reply to: 2804439

in a union, YOU haven't negotiated anything, you're merely the baby bird in the nest taking wha the union chooses to give you, minus their cut of course. 

Msg ID: 2804443 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +3/-2     
Author:HEMS IP
1/30/2024 11:14:17 PM

Reply to: 2804417

As a SPIFR pilot we have to hand fly approaches in both AEO and OEI configurations. That's just to pass a .297 checkride. If I can do that, I can easily "hack it, in your day." Perhap, you can't hack it today. As an IP, I've flown with plenty of pilots with more "flt time" than me but can't pass a checkride. Perhaps, that'd be you. 🤷‍♂️

Msg ID: 2804447 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +3/-5     
Author:I'm sure you're
1/31/2024 12:23:17 AM

Reply to: 2804443

awesome, you certainly seem to think you are. 

But "back in the day" everything was hand flown and you'd just be another pud-knocker.

Enjoy your "IP" job and good luck, just remember to not believe your own BS.


Msg ID: 2804469 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +2/-1     
Author:HEMS IP
1/31/2024 9:10:10 AM

Reply to: 2804447

Never said I was "awesome". Just stated that I have confidence in my abilities to "hack it" as it was stated in the early part of this thread. It does seem that I touched a nerve with you though. Perhaps I owe you and your feelings an apology so, here it goes... 

Msg ID: 2804490 Backpedal HEMS IP...WOW! you shoot approach single pilot just like every +1/-2     
Author:cessna pilot in the world.UR AWESOME
1/31/2024 10:52:14 AM

Reply to: 2804469

SPIFR is the easiest and safest flying in the HAA industry. You are the best of the worst. Bravo!

Msg ID: 2804471 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +0/-1     
1/31/2024 9:21:51 AM

Reply to: 2804443

wonder if you could pass one of my checkrides? perhaps not?

Msg ID: 2804488 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +1/-1     
Author:Check ride
1/31/2024 10:42:20 AM

Reply to: 2804471

is two words but I'm sure you're a check airman lol

Msg ID: 2804491 Your mom passed her Check"ride" (NT) +0/-1     
Author:she nailed it. or did I
1/31/2024 10:53:19 AM

Reply to: 2804471

Msg ID: 2804444 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +2/-1     
Author:Best post ever!
1/30/2024 11:15:17 PM

Reply to: 2804417

Oh hells post ever! Finally, somebody who sees the roses and not the stems!

Msg ID: 2804451 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +2/-2     
Author:OP is a communist I guess
1/31/2024 6:59:42 AM

Reply to: 2804444

doesn't believe in a free market economy

Msg ID: 2804450 Everyone is paid in accordance with how easy it is +2/-1     
Author:to replace them.
1/31/2024 2:46:59 AM

Reply to: 2804417

Lower wages are a result of businesses being as loyal as their options. Higher wages are a result of you being as loyal as your options.

Msg ID: 2804536 Everyone is paid in accordance with how easy it is +1/-1     
Author:Another Old Guy
1/31/2024 3:24:33 PM

Reply to: 2804450

Hi kids,

You folks who think you know the business side of of this industry should understand that

to management, you are nothing more than over paid fork lift drivers in

some warehouse. It's always been so, and you folks who think your skills are superior to

to your peers... You are just the best fork lift driver in that warehouse.

Been there,

Another Old Guy

Msg ID: 2804539 Everyone is paid in accordance with how easy it is +0/-1     
1/31/2024 4:10:27 PM

Reply to: 2804536

I concur.


Offered my services to upper management to x-train over from 24 year with the co. avionics /30 year total exp in aviation to fly for them, since they are having so much trouble finding loyal and competent pilots. 


Got no reply.


They used to value the pilot/mechanic idea.  Not anymore.  I guess I make too much currently in my present position for them to even consider the idea.  That and it's harder to replace highly skilled line avionics tech than a run of the mill fork lift pilot.

And yes, I fly (pilot) regularly...In case you were wondering.

Msg ID: 2804619 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +1/-1     
2/1/2024 9:51:43 PM

Reply to: 2804417

That was tried in the 80s and they kept crashing and flying in dumb conditions... for billable flight hours.  

EMS folks are paid to be ready, and paid well to have the conviction to say NO when necessary.  

Msg ID: 2804642 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +0/-0     
2/2/2024 11:39:59 AM

Reply to: 2804619

EMS folks are paid to be ready, and paid well to have the conviction to say NO when necessary.  

To which I add that a GOOD HEMS pilot has a realistic, usable backup plan in place at all times. The plan may be as simple as deciding to abort the flight to the easiest rendezevous with ground transport or someplace where the crew can readily be returned to base and the helo recovered when weather permits.

Weather is what you see out the window and that is constantly changing. What you see is what you got, not the latest observations (history) or the forecasts (scientific wild arse guesses).

That is where the experience that seniority brings and extensive local area knowledge pays for itself.

A word for all us old goobers- just because you did it before doesn't mean you're gonna be successful again. When it's as bad as you've seen it before, don't push on because you've seen it get better in a short distance. I suspect that's the reason experienced HEMS guys have such surprising accident rates.... I followed another pilot who insisted 100 and a half-mile was flyable when our mins were 300 and 2. He made it and I aborted. That's Russian Roulette, the hammer may snap on an empty cylinder or it may go bang when you fly into something without adequate response time and limited options if you did respond.

Msg ID: 2804782 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +0/-1     
2/4/2024 9:39:33 PM

Reply to: 2804417

make a bet?

Msg ID: 2804883 EMS Helicopter Pilots are WAY over paid +0/-1     
Author:And you
2/6/2024 11:16:50 PM

Reply to: 2804417

might consider going back to grammar school.
