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Msg ID: 2804288 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots (NT) +0/-2     
Author:It’s every industry right now! Grow up
1/29/2024 9:27:34 AM

Msg ID: 2804289 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +4/-7     
Author:Now heavily overvalue themselves and
1/29/2024 9:30:31 AM

Reply to: 2804288

Are the reason the industry has become the joke it is. You are just lucky to have a job you are unfit and underqualified for simply because of the poor economic times we are in. You're the problem, not the solution and your egos and over value of self worth are writing checks your body and company can't cash....

Msg ID: 2804290 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +15/-6     
Author:Are you sure?
1/29/2024 9:44:58 AM

Reply to: 2804289

Pretty sure the younger generations are finally starting to dig ourselves out of the pit of low pay that the selfish old school army pilots dug by accepting rock bottom pay when you all flooded the pilot pool Back in those glory days you speak about. 

Msg ID: 2804291 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +10/-1     
Author:Class A airspace
1/29/2024 9:55:25 AM

Reply to: 2804290

Life's about choices, choose wisely! 

anyone under 40 the helo industry as a whole doesn't provide a good ROI. a HEMS pilot with 10 plus years on the job should be making 180-200k base salary. Not with a stupid modifier or working ridiculous amounts of work over . 

Msg ID: 2804889 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +0/-0     
2/6/2024 11:32:15 PM

Reply to: 2804290

Do your homework loud mouth.

Msg ID: 2804295 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +2/-4     
Author:so let me get this straight
1/29/2024 10:26:34 AM

Reply to: 2804289

low unemployment and higher pay means we are in poor economic times. pretty sure you got that backwards bro lol

Msg ID: 2804890 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +0/-0     
Author:Good one.
2/6/2024 11:36:40 PM

Reply to: 2804295

Vdry little understanding of who brought about the salaries of today.  Now it's their turn to carry the ball but would rather complain about others not handing them the silver spooooon of eternal pay raises.

Incredibly unaware!

Msg ID: 2804317 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +0/-0     
1/29/2024 7:08:19 PM

Reply to: 2804289

Ya'll just sad you didn't fly in Nam. Retirement plus disability plus an $100k HAA check is $$$$. I'll fly until I die. 

Msg ID: 2804319 The young generation of pilots who would even get an interview 10 years ago +1/-0     
Author:say wut
1/29/2024 7:13:26 PM

Reply to: 2804317

all the viet nam guys are retired or dead. sure ain't getting any disabilty either

Msg ID: 2804294 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +1/-5     
Author:every company in the world does this
1/29/2024 10:15:27 AM

Reply to: 2804288

employers pay more for experienced employees. how many years did it take you to figure this out lol. amc caps new hires at step d, which is too low in my opinion but they can supplement it with an experience bonus which will last as least as long as the current contract. amc and the union does it right.

Msg ID: 2804296 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +1/-1     
Author:that’s outrageous
1/29/2024 11:05:52 AM

Reply to: 2804294

amc seems like they want to attract experienced help and the only way I know how to do this is pay them. stop the madness 

Msg ID: 2804297 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +1/-2     
Author:what I'm angry about today
1/29/2024 11:57:42 AM

Reply to: 2804296

so I've been unsubscribing to linked every time they send me a new email for weeks. I keep my profile on there just because it could possibly get me a better job. but I doubt it. I probably get a emails 200 a year, easily. they just keep coming anyway. No, I don't want to "accelerate my career" by following businesses that have zero relevance to what I do. I don't want to connect with some dumb offshore pilot in Indonesia. I don't want to connect with some dumb but hot HR girl at Boeing that has 29,000 followers. all so I can get even more dumb emails. that's what I'm outraged about today. No, I don't care if the guy that got hired after me with more hours and experience gets paid more than me. as a matter of fact, I expect it. 

Msg ID: 2804307 AMC is the HIGHEST paying out of the major HAA operators (NT) +1/-2     
Author:Check yo self!
1/29/2024 4:27:06 PM

Reply to: 2804296

Msg ID: 2804310 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +2/-0     
1/29/2024 6:41:41 PM

Reply to: 2804288

All the pilots that have this same thought really need to look at what's going on in the industry.

When a experienced pilot of over 20 years is offered salaries in the range of 90-110K being a acceptable wage is offensive.

This is why people view helicopter pilots in the United States as blue collar worker no different than a UPS driver.

If you go to Europe, Australia, Canada..., helicopter pilots are professional's.   Paid a professionals wage.

Look at what you have to do every year let alone what you have to do to get into the industry.

Civilian Pilot- 100K training, Military - 6-10 years if you don't go tell retirement.

Every year VFR- medical fail, check ride fail, violation FAA fail...

Every year IFR- everything above plus additional check rides, FAA regulations etc.

Every year Ag pilot- just miss spray one field.. hit a wire...etc

Every year Offshore- Bad wx... over gross... etc

Every Year fire- Company looses contract, miss drop, disliked by fire captain... gone.


The list goes on and on that shows we are professionals and should be treated and compensated as such.


PS- Career pilot of over 35 years flying both military and civilian. 

Msg ID: 2804311 Europe HAA and Heli-Pilots are paid squat in comparison. All government ran (NT) +0/-1     
Author:And low paying. Fact check alert!
1/29/2024 6:48:57 PM

Reply to: 2804310

Msg ID: 2804313 “Need” to feel and be called a “professional” here you go. You’re a (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Professional whiner. Feel
1/29/2024 6:49:58 PM

Reply to: 2804311

Msg ID: 2804315 “Need” to feel and be called a “professional” here you go. You’re a  +1/-1     
1/29/2024 6:54:12 PM

Reply to: 2804313

It's not FEEL... at all.

It's the culture of the industry.

You don't see professional tearing down the industry. Tearing down safety, training, etc. 

They improve it.

What are any of you doing to change the culture of the industry for the better.

I bet the answer is nothing.

Barely pass your check rides, barely wash the aircraft, don't help with maintenance, try and get out of flights, yah your a professional alright. 

Msg ID: 2804314 Europe HAA and Heli-Pilots are paid squat in comparison. All government ran +1/-0     
1/29/2024 6:51:03 PM

Reply to: 2804311

Say's the person who gives no facts.

If they work for the government just like police here, or fire departments.

You get-




You are wrong.

PS- Plus better pay. 

Msg ID: 2804318 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-1     
Author:you sound like somebody
1/29/2024 7:11:37 PM

Reply to: 2804310

that is just going off what the read on jh, sure as hell not some 35 year guy. bad weather and over gross offshore!!! and the list goes on and on!! lol ayfkm bro

Msg ID: 2804320 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-2     
Author:people seem to forget how the
1/29/2024 7:32:50 PM

Reply to: 2804318

world works and all of a sudden think a free market economy is a bad thing. if you started out at AMC in 2008, your base pay is 150k. add in accra and a little ot and training and you're easily at 175-200k. not bad for what we do. in offshore, you have to be an IFR captain for a big check. also 150k+. not hard to make captain in 10 years. if you want to stay busy in ag, 200k. utility after 10 years, 150k minimum. you have to put in some time at one company for some things for the bigger bucks, but not all. 150-200 is still good money for helicopters. 

Msg ID: 2804321 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +2/-0     
Author:What planet are you on?
1/29/2024 7:43:04 PM

Reply to: 2804320

No one, and I mean NO ONE has ever made anything close to $150k base pay at AMC.  You need to change meds. 

Msg ID: 2804326 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-2     
1/29/2024 9:18:34 PM

Reply to: 2804321

well then the new guy will be making 150k before you, so that's pretty funny 

Msg ID: 2804330 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-0     
Author:Step P is $150k base
1/30/2024 12:33:02 AM

Reply to: 2804321

How many 16 years pilots are there? Probably not many. But still.

Msg ID: 2804332 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-0     
Author:There are 187 pilots that were hired
1/30/2024 8:06:23 AM

Reply to: 2804330

in 2008. 1270 pilots as of Sept 3. So quite a few.

Msg ID: 2804333 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-0     
Author:I should have said
1/30/2024 8:09:58 AM

Reply to: 2804332

hired in 2008 or before. Highest pilot on seniority list was hired in July 1986.

Msg ID: 2804424 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +1/-0     
Author:AMC guy
1/30/2024 7:53:09 PM

Reply to: 2804330

Thats not how that new pay scale works.......I have over 16, at about 109,000. The scale has nothi8ng to do with years, it had to do with your salary level just prior to the contract. In 2006 first year of contract starting pay was $50,000. So that 150,000 at step P, I doubt there are any current AMC pilots at that


Msg ID: 2804426 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-0     
Author:Not true at all
1/30/2024 8:10:23 PM

Reply to: 2804424

If you have been with AMC for 15 years you are at 94K-98K, nowhere near 109-150K.


You may be at that with base stipends and ACCRA but not the base salary.



Msg ID: 2804460 False. 17 years AMC and Im right at 152,000 +2/-1     
Author:without Accra or workover
1/31/2024 8:12:50 AM

Reply to: 2804426

I applied to med trans for fear the contract was going to take forever and all the rumors of how much everyone else pays. med trans offered $91,000 max! but a really cool bonus program that I heard they now changed and you wont see your money for 4 years!!! Feel sad for all those suckers who left and thankful for the union!

Msg ID: 2804891 False. 17 years AMC and Im right at 152,000 +0/-0     
2/6/2024 11:40:08 PM

Reply to: 2804460

needs more steady realists Ike you.  Stay the course until you truly can't.  You'll be glad you did.  Nothing happens overnight.

Msg ID: 2804323 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +0/-1     
Author:Ohhhh, Europe
1/29/2024 8:00:02 PM

Reply to: 2804310

nom nom nom. 
Your teabagging is obvious.

Msg ID: 2804325 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +1/-1     
1/29/2024 9:02:59 PM

Reply to: 2804323

These response show exactly why this industry in going down.

Laughable safety culture,

Ridiculous Egos

Lack of knowledge

Lack of professionals in their craft

Every response on this forum shows how Neanderthal-ish we are as a group.


It's embarrassing.  If you're not embarrassed, you should be.

Msg ID: 2804327 Every major haa operator pays new hires same or more than current pilots +1/-0     
1/29/2024 9:22:29 PM

Reply to: 2804325

the duder that says you gotta watch out for getting over grossed offshore and getting on the wrong side of the fire chief has more words of wisdom for us and says he's a cave man too
