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Msg ID: 2803274 PHI Union meeting +1/-1     
Author:complete failure, 32 people
1/18/2024 12:36:20 PM

I cant believe how gutless the Texas/ohio/arizona mechanics are

Msg ID: 2803275 PHI Union meeting +1/-1     
1/18/2024 12:48:16 PM

Reply to: 2803274

is union-speak for smart workers.

Msg ID: 2803276 PHI Union meeting +0/-2     
Author:PHI mechanics are
1/18/2024 12:48:52 PM

Reply to: 2803274

their own worst enemy. They seem to like being treated like crap.

Msg ID: 2803277 and that was mostly the pilots coming in for the free food (NT) +1/-1     
1/18/2024 1:29:04 PM

Reply to: 2803274

Msg ID: 2803280 PHI Union meeting +0/-2     
1/18/2024 2:22:19 PM

Reply to: 2803274

So many new guys who have no idea what's going on and so happy to have a job not knowing their getting crap wages. Also scared of the older managers who threaten them with termination. A lot of those making the older higher PHI Inc wages. They don't want anything better and improved for the new younger guys since they won't get any benefit from any of the positive changes. Wish the Pilots and Med Crews at these locations would get involved the union and get their mechanics off their butts and involved!!!

We should all want better and trusting the board and management to make that decision without any of our input is crazy!

Msg ID: 2803282 PHI Union meeting +5/-2     
Author:unions never fix anything
1/18/2024 2:49:07 PM

Reply to: 2803280




all they do is make workers lazy or lazier.


bunch of democrat ideas a bound up in one pathetic whiny democrat loser instituion


f your union.


the whole reason cars and trucks are overpriced today....and poor quality.  I'm still sporting around in my mint 99 honda prelude.  THe green one that blows your doors off when I pass you on 90.

Msg ID: 2803285 PHI Union meeting +2/-0     
1/18/2024 3:39:46 PM

Reply to: 2803282

unions never fix anything. facts.

all they do is make workers lazy or lazier.

Lessee... From my memory and anecdotal, unless yopu were there.

PHI, multiple attempts to organize pilots. Those active in the first few efforts terminated or assigned to BFE bases.

But, why would PHI Gulf pilots be motivated, eventually, for collective representation and bargainning? Because the head shed often lied and wasn't even smart about it- The LFT base pilots schmoozed scheduling and took holidays that line guys could not. I guess sharing a base with 5 & 2 pilots made it hard to deny everybody holidays....

But scheduling denied that to the Intracoastal base pilots, who often covered the LFT base and knew everybody there and their schedules. When this was brought to the meeting between the headshed staff and ICY pilots, they coudn't answer that. 

Job openings were filled by favoritism, familiarity with the scheduling staff, not by bidding. One could live in LFT and bid on openings for a decade while scheduling buddies dropped right in to LFT slots.

The headshed told pilots their salary was confidential, an agreement solely between LFt and you. One could, in theory, be terminated for sharing that data. But when holiday or overttime compensation was due you, you submitted according the schedule in a book in the lead pilots desk, by hire date. Ones hire date was not secret, so everybody and their cousin knew your salary.

I knew some exceptionally hard working pilots while I flew the Gulf. I knew some who were effing useless. Most just did their job. When the time came to discipline bad behavior, those with stroke walked with a slap on the rest and those who weren't favorites took it in the guts. I've heard a couple regional managers talking about 'getting' somebody they didn't like- no contractual process involved.

Are unions perfect? Nop, they consist of people and no one is perfect. A lot of people fail when they are in psoitions of responsibility and union locals can be exteremly bureaucratic and self interested if the membership doesn't keep them on their toes...

And now we're down to the nasty little secret in organizing- often, when the first contract is negotiated, the membership has what t wants, temporarily at least, and makes statements like "I expect the executive to take care of business, not me. That's why I pay dues..." But the executive can do very, very little without a solid membership. The management side generally has a very good idea of backing of the local and they know that it takes effort to herd the cats that are the pilot membership. So, the head shed screws people over until they're called to account by the local.

Some of the victims will win lawsuits, but that takes years. And why would anybody want to work with those who will step on their backs to get what they want at that moment?

Msg ID: 2803288 PHI Union meeting +3/-2     
Author:PHI Lead
1/18/2024 4:15:37 PM

Reply to: 2803282

This isn't a BS fast food worker Union. I'm very conservative and vote Republican all the time. The Union for PHI is not a vote for Biden or Democrats. It's a vote for better wages and benefits. Your Honda won't become any more expensive... Please take your out of touch and old ideas somewhere else!!!

Msg ID: 2803299 You realize 108 has been there for 2 decades now? (NT) +2/-0     
Author:And look at where you are!
1/18/2024 5:45:03 PM

Reply to: 2803288

Msg ID: 2803304 You realize 108 has been there for 2 decades now? +0/-0     
Author:PHI Lead
1/18/2024 6:52:41 PM

Reply to: 2803299

They are not doing much for the Air Medical Pilots. Majority of them don't even pay dues or participate in anything union related. It's just a green book carried over from Oil and Gas. The mechanics are looking for a strong Union representation with a large majority active participation. Just need more of the fossils in maintenance to retire.

Msg ID: 2803314 then think Teamsters or IAM! (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Don't even think OPEIU!!
1/18/2024 9:13:13 PM

Reply to: 2803304

Msg ID: 2803316 then think Teamsters or IAM! +1/-1     
Author:money to other industries
1/18/2024 10:35:39 PM

Reply to: 2803314

Think Teamsters or IAM if you want your money to go directly to the HQ, which has direct control over the expenditures of a multi-industry Local. OPEIU Aviation Locals, both in the US and Canada, are strictly aviation-oriented.

  • Local 102 covers training pilots at Ft Rucker (now Ft. Novosel)
  • Local 108 has multiple contracts, but they are all aviation.
  • Local 109 covers AMC Line Pilots only.

Anyone considering organizing should understand the facts:

  • OPEIU had the first helicopter pilot union in the US. Local 107 *
  • OPEIU had the first helicopter mechanic union in the US. Local 407 *
  • Under the Railway Labor Act, organizing aviation workers is a "wall-to-wall" effort. That means every pilot, nurse, mechanic, or any other worker designated by the Federal Government as an aviation worker is considered part of the "Craft or Class" regardless of work location or state. Airline pilots, mechanics, flight crew, etc, are much more centrally located than helicopter pilots or mechanics scattered across multiple bases, usually with only three or four people on shift at one time.


* Members of Locals 107 and 407 decided to take a severance package of up to an additional 26 pay periods on top of the contractual severance, which amounted to over $12 million dollars rather than work for the new employer. Most went to work the next day at one of the many competitors.

Msg ID: 2803327 Where are the balloons and kites on this sales display? +0/-0     
1/19/2024 7:00:05 AM

Reply to: 2803316

Think Teamsters or IAM if you want your money to go directly to the HQ, which has direct control over the expenditures of a multi-industry Local. OPEIU Aviation Locals, both in the US and Canada, are strictly aviation-oriented.

Teamsters and IAM are aviation locals as well!   Teamsters are experts in transportation, unlike OPEIU.  They know the Railway Labor Act better than OPEIU, you can bet your dues money on that!   They have a dedicated aviation division and dedicated aviation mechanics colliation.   OPEIU are skatterbrained colliations of, well, office people and podiatrists.   Your dues money goes to the International, who than feeds its NYC local 153, where it's big wigs reside.

    • Local 102 covers training pilots at Ft Rucker (now Ft. Novosel)
    • A government contract that does not follow the Railroad Labor Act.  Founder of the now defunct PHPA overlord council.  It went belly up after they were found to be skimming money from the locals to hold parties in NOLO.   Local has been struggling for most of its existance!


    • Local 108 has multiple contracts, but they are all aviation.
    • This local has become the dumping ground for aviators OPEIU organized and forgotten.   It's like a gymnasium in a sense; sign them up and forget they exist, as long as those monthly checks keep showing up.  Local 108 has a BOD who don't even know about the folks who feed their kitty.  And, if you end up under them, forget democracy, you are relegated to a "committee" status and not even mentioned in their by-laws or OLMS filings!


    • Local 109 covers AMC Line Pilots only.
    • Currently on their 4th (just signed) mediocre contract, and who attempted to organize and include several other class and craft groups in the past, until they were met with local resistance.  It's leader often writes missives dripping with contempt for the company and makes one feel embarrased to be a forced participant to it all.

Anyone considering organizing should understand the facts:

    • OPEIU had the first helicopter pilot union in the US. Local 107 *
    • Also the first helicopter pilot union to be voted out by its members!   (Decertified it the proper term).   Why??  Well, because they were OPEIU and pitiful!


    • OPEIU had the first helicopter mechanic union in the US. Local 407 *
    • Ditto!


  • Under the Railway Labor Act, organizing aviation workers is a "wall-to-wall" effort. That means every pilot, nurse, mechanic, or any other worker designated by the Federal Government as an aviation worker is considered part of the "Craft or Class" regardless of work location or state. Airline pilots, mechanics, flight crew, etc, are much more centrally located than helicopter pilots or mechanics scattered across multiple bases, usually with only three or four people on shift at one time.
  • And, as such, each class and craft ought to be their OWN local, but that's now how OPEIU think.  They put you into a local of folks far away and removed from your class and craft.  They do this because it helps OPEIU manage the discontent!

Msg ID: 2803333 then think Teamsters or IAM! +1/-0     
1/19/2024 7:41:07 AM

Reply to: 2803314

about orginazed crime unit!!! Jimmy Hoffa! Nuff said!!

Msg ID: 2803337 OPEIU has it's modern day filchers too! +1/-0     
1/19/2024 8:01:38 AM

Reply to: 2803333>


etc, etc, etc

Msg ID: 2803326 PHI Union meeting +3/-0     
Author:Talk about missing the point
1/19/2024 5:43:02 AM

Reply to: 2803288

My $#!t's been paid for since the day I swindled the used car dealer to let me have it under book because of the list of $#!t I told him my mechanic (me) said was broken on it.  "That I fixed myself btw."


I know it's not gonna "become any more expensive."


It never was.  Because it wasn't built by union hands in a US factory.  It was imported from JAPAN where they still have a hard work ethic and turn out TOP QUALITY $#!t that everyone wants, and is still in demand today.


MADE IN AMERICA used to mean it was the BEST quality you could get.  But that was back in the OLD DAYS where my out of touch and OLD ideas originated.

You f'ing young punks these days have no clue what it means to work with you hands and actually fix or BUILD something of quality.  And that's what's wrong with this country. 

You all went to flight school on daddy's money and have zero work ethic.  You wiggle sticks all day and call it hard work.  Then when the going gets tough and you can't pay the bills your wife keeps running up with your current salary, you all bitch about a raise and expect some crap union to go get it for you.


I invite you to step into the real world with the little people who have to actually work for a living, prove themselves to keep a job, and most times struggle to make ends meet. 

You have no idea.  F your union BS.

Real mechanics know.  You are trying to sell Bitcoin tokens at a nursing home. Get the F outta here.

Msg ID: 2803331 PHI Union meeting +2/-1     
1/19/2024 7:33:32 AM

Reply to: 2803326

SUX!! All they do is protect the lame, incompetent!! They've destroyed American Mfg since the 70's. They have NO real need now a days, in the early1900's YES when owners treated workers like 💩 & didn't give a 💩 if you were in life threating danger. All they cared about was Profit(Still do BUT have laws that hold them accountable) Now they just suck YOUR $$$.Just look at HOWmany mfg have left the NE because of unions & move to Non-Union states!! Teachers Unions are a perfect example of how corrupt they are!!!!EFF the Unions!!!

Msg ID: 2803334 PHI Union meeting +1/-2     
Author:the so called guru that
1/19/2024 7:49:11 AM

Reply to: 2803326

doesn't know how an intercom works and thinks you don't pay taxes on 401k money has something to say

Msg ID: 2803356 PHI Union meeting +3/-2     
1/19/2024 11:19:27 AM

Reply to: 2803334

Just ignore the old guy above. He's obviously off his meds... He got crapped on his whole career and wants all of us to deal with the same... Enough is enough... PHI Air Medical Mechanics Union will be a thing and it's growing every week... Keep the push going!!!!

Msg ID: 2803360 PHI Union meeting +0/-0     
Author:bad thing though……
1/19/2024 11:59:56 AM

Reply to: 2803356

all the new mechanics are still leaving 

Msg ID: 2803416 PHI Union meeting +1/-1     
Author:Ah look who it is
1/20/2024 2:45:02 AM

Reply to: 2803334

Robbie pilot has popped his head up out of mommy's basement once again to take a break from Genshin Impact and hop on Granny's computer to check what's happening on JH.


Look bro, I'm sorry you can't figure out how to Switch your radio master and continue to smoke check all ya avionics every time you crank the engine with transient voltage spikes and power surges.


That's just being retarded.


I told you how to fix your problem.  Not my fault you are too stupid to implement action.


Also, my 401 is at 1.5 mil....what's yours at?

Msg ID: 2803451 PHI Union meeting +0/-0     
1/20/2024 11:04:15 AM

Reply to: 2803416

a guru that doesn't know the ICS is often wired through the battery and his fix is to pull the breaker lol. how big is the home made wing on your prelude trunk because I know you have one lol

Msg ID: 2803480 PHI Union meeting +1/-0     
1/20/2024 2:49:46 PM

Reply to: 2803451





There's only 1 bird I work on that has a battery hot ICS.  And that's cuz the battery is only used to pop a valve that gets the apu spinning.


If your robbie has ICS on battery hot then they wired it like some dumbas-ses.  Or better yet you wired it like a dumb a-ss.  I bet you thought coke can slivers folded over would make good buss bar material too huh?  Yeah, I've seen that on some civilian airplanes.  Won't mention N-numbers here....but they were probably worked on by the likes of you.


Know it all know nothings who got a pilots license from the cracker jack box like the TNFlyGirl who death spiraled her and her dad into a smoking hole while fighting the trimover she dialed in and ap all the way to the ground.


My lude is bone stock.  Even the spoiler.  You don't know me.  But I know you, you pompous a-ss robbie ranger basement dwelling d-i-c-k.  And I'm f'king positive you vote democrat, and will hold a pe-nis in your mouth just long enough for the swelling to go down.....

Msg ID: 2803711 PHI Union meeting +0/-0     
Author:your lude
1/23/2024 9:21:34 AM

Reply to: 2803480

lol pretty cringe bro
