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Msg ID: 2803221 US guy moving north to Canada +2/-1     
Author:Requirements for employment?
1/17/2024 6:54:06 PM

Wife wishes to return to Canada to take care of her Mom. What are the chances of a 6000hr US ATPH pilot getting work in Canada? Would it be necessary to go to a flight school and get a Canadian license or can a company sponsor me?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom.

Msg ID: 2803229 US guy moving north to Canada +1/-2     
1/17/2024 8:45:17 PM

Reply to: 2803221

you need canuck license and work permit. google the first, there are schools specializing in that. as for second, good luck. canada protects jobs to look out for its citizens. unlike amerika. 

Msg ID: 2803232 US guy moving north to Canada +4/-5     
Author:Just add
1/17/2024 9:09:07 PM

Reply to: 2803221

Ey? To your sentences!!

Msg ID: 2803239 US guy moving north to Canada +6/-0     
1/17/2024 11:08:24 PM

Reply to: 2803232

The license is a paperwork exercise. contact Chinook helicopter in abbotsford and theyll work you through the process. Canadian work visas are pretty easy to get For foreigners. 1/2 of the pilots in Canada are from Europe or NZ. Plenty of work in the Canadian heli industry. 

Msg ID: 2803259 US guy moving north to Canada +0/-0     
Author:US Guy
1/18/2024 10:18:55 AM

Reply to: 2803239

Thanks TC

Msg ID: 2803261 US guy moving north to Canada +3/-0     
1/18/2024 10:34:14 AM

Reply to: 2803239

You haven't gone thru this process in the last 4 years. License conversion is one thing, getting a visa / job is another. I'll bet you won't get the visa With the current climate.

Msg ID: 2803255 US guy moving north to Canada +1/-4     
1/18/2024 9:17:10 AM

Reply to: 2803232

It's "Take Off you hoser, EH!" 👍🍻

Msg ID: 2803272 NO ONE move from the US to Canada! Especially for the horrible healthcare (NT) +2/-3     
Author:Deathcare system unless youre rich
1/18/2024 12:27:36 PM

Reply to: 2803221

Msg ID: 2803279 NO ONE move from the US to Canada! Especially for the horrible healthcare  +1/-1     
1/18/2024 1:36:15 PM

Reply to: 2803272

When's the last time a Canadian team won Lord Stanley's Cup, EH 🤔? Certainly not the Maple Loafs, 1967 🤪🍻

Msg ID: 2803315 NO ONE move from the US to Canada! Especially for the horrible healthcare  +3/-0     
Author:much better to have no
1/18/2024 9:25:07 PM

Reply to: 2803279
health insurance than health insurance you don’t like

Msg ID: 2803339 NO ONE move from the US to Canada! Especially for the horrible healthcare  +3/-0     
Author:An Army Guy
1/19/2024 8:26:43 AM

Reply to: 2803315
You've obviously never been without health insurance...

Msg ID: 2803344 NO ONE move from the US to Canada! Especially for the horrible healthcare  +1/-1     
Author:It was supposed to be
1/19/2024 9:05:07 AM

Reply to: 2803339
a joke

Msg ID: 2803548 US guy moving north to Canada +0/-0     
1/21/2024 10:52:43 AM

Reply to: 2803221

I inquired about this about 10 years ago to Helijet and the CP said they didn't have much success in the past with US pilots getting approved for work visas. 
