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Msg ID: 2802957 OCC Starting salary  +1/-3     
Author:Curious george
1/14/2024 2:04:28 PM
Does anyone know what the guys at OCC start at?

Msg ID: 2802961 OCC Starting salary  +2/-1     
1/14/2024 3:10:14 PM

Reply to: 2802957

Day one is usually the HR girls giving the benefits brief.

Msg ID: 2803047 OCC Starting salary  +3/-1     
1/15/2024 3:18:50 PM

Reply to: 2802957

Depends. Do you have airline experience?

Msg ID: 2803079 OCC Starting salary  +0/-0     
Author:Random Guy
1/15/2024 9:01:27 PM

Reply to: 2802957

Way back before companies required PIC experience for the OCC, new folks with some sort of FAA certification (uusally Dispatcher, but sometimes ATC or private pilot) started around $40K, with the office supervisor starting at $50K and getting generous annual raises. 

Given that the FAA encourages companies to use pilots with HAA experience, I would expect salaries to be a lot higher if the companies are only hiring those with previous HAA experience, but still be less than line pilots unless the person is the head of the OCC. 

Or I could be totally wrong.

I hope this helps

Msg ID: 2803101 OCC Starting salary  +3/-0     
Author:Former OCC
1/16/2024 10:31:14 AM

Reply to: 2802957

mid 80's to start based on experience

Msg ID: 2803126 OCC Starting salary  +0/-1     
Author:Retired, NO JOB
1/16/2024 5:28:59 PM

Reply to: 2803101

When AMC heard I was back in the country they contacted me about an OCC gig.  They offered $78K in 2021.  

Msg ID: 2803164 OCC Starting salary  +0/-1     
1/17/2024 9:47:51 AM

Reply to: 2803126

Tree fiddy

Msg ID: 2803375 OCC Starting salary  +1/-1     
1/19/2024 1:47:31 PM

Reply to: 2802957

neutral on OCC units.  Found them annoying for no reason at times.
