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Msg ID: 2802834 Air Methods Maintenance  +0/-0     
1/13/2024 12:02:01 PM

Hey are the base mechanics for AMC mostly on a 5&2 schedeule or a 7&7 schedule? Or a little here and there with eveything in between?

Msg ID: 2802835 Air Methods Maintenance  +0/-0     
Author:In 2 years at AMC
1/13/2024 12:03:55 PM

Reply to: 2802834

all bases I have been to have been 5/2. 

Msg ID: 2802862 Air Methods Maintenance  +0/-0     
1/13/2024 2:44:45 PM

Reply to: 2802835

Okay so 7&7 isn't even a thing at AMC. Good to know, thanks!

Msg ID: 2802892 Air Methods Maintenance  +0/-1     
1/13/2024 9:22:49 PM

Reply to: 2802862

Lots of 7&7 bases.

Msg ID: 2802844 Air Methods Maintenance (NT) +0/-0     
Author:5/2 that way they can save on overtime
1/13/2024 12:36:27 PM

Reply to: 2802834

Msg ID: 2802936 "Air Methods Maintenance" Been a while, but- +1/-0     
1/14/2024 12:17:46 PM

Reply to: 2802834

Been a while, but it seemed to me that mechs were on call 24/7.

Proposed schedules fell by the wayside when somebody was 'down' for maintenance. The MX side set up an on-call schedule with MX on the board, but it didn't always work out that way.

Thank god for regulations restricting pilot duty...

Msg ID: 2803115 Air Methods Maintenance  +1/-0     
Author:AMC mech
1/16/2024 2:52:24 PM

Reply to: 2802834

The good ones they work the dog crap out of the other ones just collect a paycheck!
