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Msg ID: 2802820 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +12/-1     
Author:Trade show groupie
1/13/2024 10:58:45 AM

Is it just me or does it really seem ludicrous to waste $5,000 going to California for a trade show when you could go to the Bahamas and enjoy a nice family vacation for 10 days at the same price?

Msg ID: 2802821 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +1/-1     
Author:because it's not a vacation
1/13/2024 11:02:51 AM

Reply to: 2802820

and who spends their own money going to a convention unless you're maybe a newb trying to make some connections. and how the hell would it cost 5 large

Msg ID: 2802823 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Have you priced it?
1/13/2024 11:05:42 AM

Reply to: 2802821

Msg ID: 2802826 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +2/-1     
Author:say you live in Chicago
1/13/2024 11:18:49 AM

Reply to: 2802823

fly spirit round trip for $127, united for $173

3 day pass for members $240

you can stay at a super 8 for $250 or a marriott for $550.

$100 a day for food and drink and uber

You could easily do this for under a $1,000 

Msg ID: 2802831 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +2/-1     
Author:5 grand to go to heli expo
1/13/2024 11:45:22 AM

Reply to: 2802826


Msg ID: 2802836 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +1/-0     
Author:Spirit and Super 8?
1/13/2024 12:04:31 PM

Reply to: 2802826

At least I know you're a helicopter pilot

Msg ID: 2802848 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
Author:if you're flying economy
1/13/2024 1:24:10 PM

Reply to: 2802836

it's all the same bro

Msg ID: 2802822 Who wants to pay to go to california these days? (NT) +4/-2     
Author:Don’t waste your time
1/13/2024 11:05:26 AM

Reply to: 2802820

Msg ID: 2802827 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
Author:it's just you
1/13/2024 11:26:50 AM

Reply to: 2802820

do you actually think most of the people that go to heli expo do it by choice? lol

Msg ID: 2802828 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
1/13/2024 11:31:02 AM

Reply to: 2802820

I'm sure you could take the whole fam to the bahamas for 10 days for a grand. 

Msg ID: 2802830 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
1/13/2024 11:40:33 AM

Reply to: 2802828

why wouldn't you take a private jet to greece and stay on a yacht for 10 days instead of going to heli expo. I just don't get it. must just be me. 

Msg ID: 2802837 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Actually yachts are in the Caribbean
1/13/2024 12:09:05 PM

Reply to: 2802830

Msg ID: 2802833 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-1     
Author:is it just me or
1/13/2024 11:54:27 AM

Reply to: 2802820

is it ludicrous to spend 50 thousand going to heli expo when you could buy a beach house in malibu for the same price?

Msg ID: 2802839 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
Author:call me crazy but
1/13/2024 12:17:37 PM

Reply to: 2802833

instead of spending 40k going to heli expo, wouldn't you rather buy two greenlands for the same price?

Msg ID: 2802913 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +1/-0     
Author:Not family guy
1/14/2024 1:34:31 AM

Reply to: 2802820

 I vacation to get away from family.

Msg ID: 2803084 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +1/-1     
Author:Just Me
1/15/2024 9:27:47 PM

Reply to: 2802820

The big question is why would anyone waste the time going to Heli Expo?  Have a job, not looking for one, don't need to hang around a bunch of company execs gulping their own Koolaid.

Msg ID: 2803085 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
Author:I already told you why
1/15/2024 9:32:52 PM

Reply to: 2803084

very few people there go because they want to, it's because they have to. It's work for almost everybody there. The "big question" is how is it possible you don't understand this. 

Msg ID: 2803086 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
Author:yeah, the big question
1/15/2024 9:41:22 PM

Reply to: 2803084

"since I dont want to go to heli expo, how is it possible that anybody else would go? it's a mystery."

Msg ID: 2803721 Heliexpo or Beach Vacation? +0/-0     
Author:If you
1/23/2024 10:28:44 AM

Reply to: 2803084

are considering a new aircraft it is a good place to look at potentials to include fitment items, avionics, etc.
