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Msg ID: 2802308 HAI Coming Up +0/-4     
Author:Who's going?
1/5/2024 10:01:38 AM

Looking forawrd to the same people, same classes, same everything.

Msg ID: 2802312 Rich Idle People.  +1/-1     
1/5/2024 10:52:51 AM

Reply to: 2802308

who else--?

Msg ID: 2802313 HAI Coming Up +0/-4     
Author:Free Booze
1/5/2024 11:29:37 AM

Reply to: 2802308

Free tickets, free booze, free food, free parties - what's not to like about it?

Msg ID: 2802317 HAI Coming Up +3/-1     
Author:what not to like
1/5/2024 12:18:23 PM

Reply to: 2802313

don't care if it's free. you couldn't pay me to hang out with helicopter pilots bro but have a ball

Msg ID: 2802337 HAI Coming Up +0/-2     
Author:Gets old quick
1/5/2024 4:23:32 PM

Reply to: 2802317

The first couple of times I went I thought it was really interesting to see all of the different facets of the helicopter industry and how great it was to meet with some old friends. After that, I have to agree it is the same thing, just a different year. 

Msg ID: 2802339 HAI Coming Up +1/-2     
1/5/2024 5:28:27 PM

Reply to: 2802337

Just remember you pilots and mechanics are the ones that have brought it into being.  Don't worry about the fluff, worry about the substance.  Be thankful for the part you played.


Msg ID: 2802436 HAI Coming Up +1/-4     
Author:Very few pilots
1/7/2024 12:50:30 PM

Reply to: 2802317

Contrary to the views of posters on this site, the helicopter world does not revolve around pilots. The highest paid people in the helicopter world are not pilots, they are the management, mechanics, quality personnel, machinists, overhaulers and every other facet of the business. These are the principal attendees at HAI.

Helicoper pilots make up approximately 5% of the entire workforce directly related to operating, maintaining, manufacturing, overhauling, designing, selling and supporting the industry. The vast majority of individuals working in the helicopter industry don't ever meet or know any pilots. They are very lucky.

Msg ID: 2802500 HAI Coming Up +0/-1     
Author:I hate to tell you this but
1/8/2024 1:02:33 PM

Reply to: 2802436

none of the wrenching trades make anywhere near what most pilots do. all you mechanics and management have a good time at hai though. lol

Msg ID: 2802502 HAI Coming Up +0/-2     
Author:this quote is seriously lol hilarious
1/8/2024 2:21:11 PM

Reply to: 2802500

"The vast majority of individuals working in the helicopter industry don't ever meet or know any pilots."

I would say this is probably the most ridiculous thing said on JH. At least in the last 15 minutes.

Msg ID: 2802504 HAI Coming Up (NT) +0/-1     
Author:pretty full of yourself, i made 180K
1/8/2024 2:23:24 PM

Reply to: 2802500

Msg ID: 2802506 HAI Coming Up +0/-1     
Author:ok happy for you
1/8/2024 2:36:03 PM

Reply to: 2802504

what do you do and have you ever met a pilot? lol

Msg ID: 2802523 HAI Coming Up +0/-1     
1/8/2024 10:20:24 PM

Reply to: 2802308

That's that key club thing, right? Swingers, hot tubs, all that?
